Chapter Nine- Part Two

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Eventually Bob sighed heavily, closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and handed it over as he turned his head away sadly, he couldn’t keep looking at the ring, if he did he would never be able to hand it over.
Quickly he rushed out of the station, Claire smiled politely at Officer Peter before rushing out after Bob.
She was just near him when she froze at the sight, he was standing there crying, not full on heavy sob wrenching sobbing, just a few tears falling silently down his cheeks, in all the years she had known him she had never seen him cry, not even when her parents went missing and they had been his best friends, he had stayed strong, for her, but now he could not do that.
“Why don’t you head home? I’ll walk back to the cabin" she suggested and he shook his head.
“I’m fine, I don’t want to leave you to walk alone at the moment, too dangerous" he said stubbornly.
“But I haven’t received a letter besides even if this thing did want me it could just as easily snatch me from my cabin as it could on the street, I’m not going to live in fear" she declared, trying to sound confident and brave even though inside she was terrified.
“Are you sure? What about dinner?” he asked her, head down, shoulders slumped.
“I’ll make something when I get to my cabin, you did fully stock it remember" she reminded him and he smiled slightly at her playful tone.
“Alright, call me if you need me" he said before heading to his car, she waved him off before began the walk home.
On the way she called her grandparents to let them know that she was alright, asked how they were doing, they didn’t even mention the case to her, just made small talk to try and help take her mind off of it, she appreciated that, she was lucky to have them, by the time they said their goodbyes it was already dark and Claire was nearly back to the cabin.
She missed her grandparents, sitting with them watching the television, listening to Gail fuss over food if she had forgotten to add a certain spice or herb, all the happy memories, she missed them dearly, they had taken such good care of her over the years.
Suddenly Claire froze, she heard a twig snap from the trees next to her, she was walking on the side of the road that led to the cabin, that went straight by a side of the forest.
She turned to face the trees and looked around, trying to spot what made the noise, her dream haunting her, she couldn’t see anything.
She quickened her pace, slowly getting faster and faster as she rushed to get home, that feeling washing over her again that she was being watched, the cracks from twigs getting louder and followed her until she was just down the road from her cabin.
She broke out into a full run once she could see it, her heart beating so fast she could hear it clear in her ears, sweat dripping from her forehead as she reached out her hand and grabbed the door handle.
Quickly reaching in her pocket she pulled out her key, shoving it in the lock, clicking it open and ducking inside, slamming the door behind her and relocked it.
She backed away from it, waiting, watching to see if anything or anyone was going to try to come through it, seconds ticked by, nothing came and she sighed heavily, gasping in desperate air as her lungs burned from all the running.
She knelt over, hands on her knees, taking in big deep breaths, it was only then that she realized how easily the door had opened and closed and she looked up to see it was the new door the cabins owner had organised to be put in, she was grateful for it, Bob had said he didn’t make him pay for it because it was an accident once Bob had explained the situation to which Claire was relieved, especially after meeting him the other day and thinking he was just a drunk drinking on his porch so early in the morning.
She sighed heavily as she leaned down and took off her shoes, her feet were sore from running and she felt relieved once they weren’t confide by her shoes anymore.
It was only when she was standing back up straight again that she froze, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes staring at the thing she had spotted, the thing that sent chills through her veins.
Rose petals, red ones, on her dining table.
She quickly stood up fully straight and looked around, making sure no one was in here with her, slowly she checked all the rooms, especially the bedroom which she had never actually been in, the door creaked as she slowly pushed it open and she cringed.
Slowly poking her head in, her heart beating like a jack hammer she sighed relived, no one was in there.
Walking back out to the dining room table she looked down at the petals, they were scattered across the entire table, made to look romantic and she shivered at the thought.
Who would do this?
Was it the door repairmen?
But why would they do something so creepy? Doing something like this could get them in big trouble, even fired from their job.
Is it the killer? Did they find their way in here like the rest of those houses? Why did they leave petals and not a letter?
So many questions were running through her mind, and before she knew it she was quickly dialling Bob’s number.
It took a little while for him to pick up but when he finally did she felt relief wash over her.
“I need you to come see this" she spoke with urgency, fear and uncertainty.
“I’ll be right there" it was all he said before he hung up, it was all he had to say and Claire felt safer already knowing he was on his way.
Hearing his car pull up outside she quickly rushed to the door.
“Claire what is it? What’s wrong?” he asked when she opened the front door for him to come inside.
“I came home tonight to find these" she said as she pointed to the table, shutting and locking the front door once more.
He walked over to the petals, looking them over before looking at her in concern.
“Do you know who would have done this?” he asked curiously and she shook her head.
“No” she replied and he frowned before walking to the door, unlocked it and headed back to his car, he was only gone for a moment but when he came back he had on gloves and put the rose petals into an evidence bag, then also dusted the table for prints but came up with nothing.
“I’ll get these tested, from what I can tell you have a stalker, you need to be careful Claire” he said as he stood up and looked at her worriedly.
“I will be” she told him but he didn’t seem convinced.
“That means no more walking around by yourself” he told her and she slumped her shoulders, she liked having her freedom but this would mean an end to that.
“Alright” she mumbled giving in and he nodded in approval.
“Do you want to come stay at my cabin with me? You’ll be safer there” he said and for a moment she really considered it but she felt awkward about it, she didn’t want someone hanging over her every second of every day to make sure that she was okay, she’d had enough of that in her life.
“No it’s okay, I prefer to be on my own anyway” she told him but he just frowned at her, she could tell he wanted to argue about it, to convince her to stay with him where he could watch over her but he knew that he wouldn’t win it, she had learnt that from Helena, never give in, always stand for what you want.
“Alright, but keep your phone close” he sighed and she nodded.
“You know where I am if you need me” he said more and she nodded again, this time a bit bigger of a head nod.
“Good night Bob” she smiled at him softly before he returned it but it didn’t reach his eyes.
Slowly he made his departure and she sat down on the couch and sighed, wondering if she had made the wrong choice, if she should have gone with him.
She still had that creepy feeling like she was being watched, like someone was outside watching the house right now, she had double checked all the locks but it still didn’t provide her much comfort and she had no appetite for food right now, she was too sick with worry.
That night sleep evaded her, she only got little snippets here and there but the slightest noise woken her right back up, the sound of the leaves blowing on the ground from the wind, the twigs hitting each other as the breeze blew through them, by morning she was so exhausted she felt like crying from frustration.
She jumped when she heard a knock on the door and she quickly stood up and made her way to it but didn’t open it.
“Claire it’s Bob” he assured her, knowing she was probably uncertain about opening the door, he was right.
He gasped when she opened it, seeing how face, how pale and tired she was, her eyes were barely able to stay open and her whole body ached.
“Sweetie you look terrible, didn’t you manage to sleep?” he asked and she shook her head sadly.
He sighed before making his way inside and he sat down at the table.
“I’ll read for a little bit while you get some sleep, go on now, I’ll stay until you wake up” he said and she looked at him uncertain.
“What will you read?” she asked him and he reached into his backpack that he had brought along with him and pulled out a novel, she couldn’t see what it was, her eyes wouldn’t open enough for her to be able to read the title.
“Why do you have that?” she asked and he smiled at her softly.
“I had a feeling you wouldn’t have slept, so I thought I’d come over and make sure that you at least get a few hours” he told her, she smiled at him gratefully before she made her way over to the couch, laid down, pulling the blanket over herself and closed her eyes, this time she slept much better knowing that Bob was watching over the house.
It was nearly midday when he woke her up, he had made them both lunch, mince pies and sausage rolls, she had gobbled them down hungrily.
She looked much better, not so worn out, some colour had come back to her eyes, the bags under her eyes nearly invisible and she had more energy about her.
“Thank you for everything Bob” she told him gratefully and he nodded.
“You don’t need to go through this alone you know” he told her and she fiddled with her fingers nervously.
“I just don’t like asking people for help” she replied, not making eye contact.
“I know but sometimes you need it” he smiled kindly at her and she slowly looked up at him and returned the smile.
“Chad had offered to stay here with me too” she admitted to him and he grinned.
“Kind lad, why didn’t you let him?” he asked curiously.
“Well you said it yourself the other day that he always had a thing for me, what if that is still the case?” she asked a little too quickly, feeling awkward, wishing now that she hadn’t brought it up.
“So what if it is?” he asked her and she gasped, not expecting that as the reply.
“I uh..... I...” she stuttered, she didn’t know what to say and he just leaned back in his chair smiling at the situation in front of him.
“He might be good for you, you never know” he grinned proudly and she gaped at him in shock.
“What? But it would never work, after I solve this case I’m going back to Adelaide” she told him as a matter of fact and disappointed reared across his face.
“You don’t have to you know, you could stay here, keep the family business open with him, I’m sure he’d like that” he mentioned and she looked down sadly.
“We don’t even know if he does still like me and even if he does what about my course? I can’t just give up my dream of becoming a criminal profiler, it’s who I am” she argued her point.
“I think you two could figure out a way” he stated but thankfully they didn’t mention it anymore.
“That hunt is today, a lot of people are getting riled up, it’s going to be a busy one for me, are you going to be able to find something to do?” he asked and she nodded before getting up.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Claire however froze, the only one who ever came here was Bob so she had no idea on who it could be seeming as he was already here.
Bob was the one who opened the door and she instantly blushed when she saw that it was Chad.
“Hi I was wondering if Claire was here” he told Bob who moved so Chad could come inside.
“Hi Chad” she said nervously, glaring at Bob, she had a feeling he had something to do with this.
“Hey Bob said that he is going to be busy today and doesn’t want you on your own, something about a stalker?” he asked and she instantly threw daggers at Bob.
“You told him?” she gasped, it was embarrassing, here Chad was standing because Bob wanted him to protect her.
“Yes, you can’t be on your own, so Chad here has set up a date” Bob spoke proudly and she gaped at him, at both of them.
“A date?” she asked nervously, fiddling with her fingers to which Bob chuckled at.
“You two have a good time” he said before he left them there.
Chad turned to look at her which she could only blush at him.
How did I get into this situation? Was the only thing she could ask herself.

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