06. Forget Us

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Before she was anything else, Helena was a liar. So, of course, that night she was at John B's house where JJ stayed most of the time. However, with her luck, everyone was there. The whole point of sneaking around was that no one was supposed to know it was happening save for Helena and JJ, yet here she was making eye contact with Kie, entering John B's house as the dark-haired girl was leaving.

"You confuse me endlessly," was all Kie said with a pursed smile, "Just stop breaking his heart."

Helena sighed and offered a small smile, "No promises. Maude says hi, by the way."

Kie scoffed, "Yeah, tell her I say hi, too. She knows she could just actually talk to me, right? I don't think she ever has."

"She gets shy," Helena said with a shrug, "Anyway, this was fun, but I'm pretty sure JJ is waiting for me inside."

The other girl laughed at this, a quiet grin on her face as she shrugged, "Yeah, yeah, he always is. See you later, Helena."

As she entered the home, strangely it was empty. John B wasn't there and Pope didn't make himself obvious. The only person was JJ laying on the couch, looking like he was about to fall asleep. However, once he noticed the blonde girl entering the room he shot up like he had been shocked.

"Helena, I thought you hated me," JJ said with a sigh, "You can't keep doing this, you know."

"Wasn't the point of this that emotions don't matter?" Helena asked, but her words were empty as she leaned against the doorway with crossed arms. The boy stood up from the couch and walked over to her, his expression was unreadable. She couldn't tell if he hated her or wanted to kiss her and it was driving her insane.

"There's a difference between emotions not being taken into account and being a complete asshole to me whenever you want," JJ sighed, his posture relaxed. "I'm not gonna keep this up with you if this is how you're gonna treat me. I know what I did was stupid and I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna be a punching bag for you anymore."

Helena scoffed, but she knew he was right. "Since when have you ever stood up to me?"

"Since right now because for some reason, my heart is in your hands and I can't get it back no matter how much I want to so I might as well try and make things better for me while you have it," the boy remarked with a sigh, taking a step back and turning away from her, "Besides, I'm dealing with stuff way bigger than this right now. It makes dealing with you easy."

SEX WITH MY EX ― JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now