09. Boys Are Stupid

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The sun had fallen and Helena had mostly tuned out the conversation as she sat next to JJ, letting their legs tangle together as they sat facing each other in the backseat of the van. John B was talking about something to do with a lighthouse, but she wasn't really paying attention as she scrolled through the dozens of texts her sister and friends had sent her.

"I was right about something, though," she heard John B say as the van began to slow down to a stop, "My dad is trying to tell me something."

They hopped out and JJ handed Helena a flashlight, helping her out of the van. She held onto him tightly even though she was having no trouble on the uneven terrain of wherever they had stopped. Perhaps in the dark, she just wanted someone familiar to hold onto. It wasn't like she was scared of the dark or anything weird like that, she just... wanted to hold onto JJ. There was nothing wrong with that, right? Right.

"Hey, come on," John B muttered behind her as he helped Kie out of the van.

"I'm coming," she reassured as she hopped out, "Jeez, this place is scary. John B, what are we doing?"

"Shut up," John B shushed and Helena scoffed.

"Dude, you dragged us here, you could at least tell us what the plan is," the girl chastised, hearing JJ chuckle beside her.

John B just sighed as he began to explain, "You know how when you're trying to remember a song and you can't remember who sings it? So, Redfield. This whole time we thought it was a place, right?"

Wrong. Helena had absolutely no idea what John B was talking about, but she wasn't going to say anything. She really was only here as JJ's plus one, but she didn't mind not understanding a little bit she was just glad to be away from Hailey. Her sister was driving her insane lately and this weird adventure might be a nice little break from that. Not to mention, she got to spend time with JJ. Not that she would admit that out loud.

"But it's not a place," the boy continued as they trudged on through what looked like a cemetery. John B held up his lantern (Who the hell just casually has a lantern?) to illuminate the name on a mausoleum which read "Redfield." "It's a person."

"Voi-effing-la," JJ muttered as he looked up at it.

"JJ, what does all of this mean?" Helena asked in a whisper, only intending for the blond to hear it, but apparently, she wasn't quiet enough.

"John B thinks his dad is trying to help him find some shipwreck," Pope explained, "And he's dragging all of us along with it."

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