10. About Time

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Kie's hand poked out of the hole in the mausoleum, handing a package off to Pope before passing over the lantern so she could crawl back through. It wasn't the prize they expected, although Helena wasn't really sure what they had been expecting in the first place.

"That's not gold," Pope muttered as he handed the package off to John B who took it carefully, brushing it off as he read the words written in sharpie. For Bird it said.

"Holy shit," the boy spoke, his voice filled with awe as he looked down at the package, "This is from my dad."

JJ, who hadn't been paying attention to the rest of them as he smoked off to the side was suddenly alert as he exclaimed, "Code red, code red! Square groupers! Square groupers!"

"Go!" Kie exclaimed as the group ran. The blond boy ran over to Helena and placed a gentle hand on the small of her back as they ran and hid behind the mausoleum way from where the headlights were shining right where they had just been standing.

"It's the guys who robbed your house," JJ said, turning to John B.

"The guys who what?" Helena exclaimed with a gasp, "What kinda shit are you guys getting into?"

Kie sighed, running a hand through her hair, "You don't even know the half of it."

Pope rushed to turn off all of their flashlights, yelling, "Light! Your light!"

She watched as JJ and Pope poked their heads around the corner quietly and carefully, Kie asking, "Do you really think it's them?"

"There's no way, how would they know we were here?" the blonde asked. Then again, she didn't really know enough about this to be asking such a question, but she was internally freaking out so she had to figure out some way to calm herself down and denial seemed to work just fine.

They were waiting with bated breath, ready to be discovered, when Kie stood up and ran, "Screw this."

Of course, the rest of them followed. They reached the wall and JJ didn't hesitate before giving Helena a boost to get over the wall. When she got to the top, she helped pull him up and they jumped over, second to last. Still getting over the fence was Pope, but their pursuers were gaining on them.

"Hurry up!" JJ exclaimed as he pushed Helena in the direction of the van.

"Go, go!" Kie shouted as she held the door open, ushering Helena inside as they waited for Pope who was now stuck on the top of the fence. "Shit."

"Guys, I'm stuck!" came Pope's worried voice. JJ, who was about to get into the van, ran back to help along with Kie. For some reason, JJ pulled out the gun.

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