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"I cannot fucking believe you," is the first thing Helena hears when she enters her room that night. Her cheeks were stained dry with tears and as she turned on the lights, she quickly did her best to wipe it off and make herself look presentable. Hailey was sitting waiting on her bed with a disapproving look on her face. Helena wanted to punch her for the knowing glint in her eyes because she thought she knew everything, but she didn't. Haley couldn't be more wrong about what was happening between her and JJ. Things were changing for the better, Helena could feel it. At least, she wanted to.
"Get out of my room, I'm not in the mood, Hailey," Helena sighed as she sits down at the vanity and begins taking off her makeup that was already a mess. She sits for a moment with her head in her hands while she waits for her sister to listen to her and leave her alone. Today has been exhausting enough and there's nothing she wants more than to just go to sleep.
Behind her, Hailey scoffs. She hears the girl get up from the bed and looking in the mirror she can see the girl has taken up a stance behind her. "You were with him, weren't you?"
There's no point in lying considering there's nowhere else she would have been, so Helena nods. Looking at her reflection, her expression seems numb. She almost doesn't recognize herself looking so pathetic. It's a rare change of pace for someone so used to making sure she always looks perfect -- rare, yes, but not a welcome one. She hates the girl staring back at her.
"Were you breaking up with him like you said you would?" Helena shakes her head. "Why am I not surprised? Helena, you can do better than him and you know it. He will always be Pogue trash, you don't need to settle for that anymore. Do you know how many people he put in danger the other night? That's who you want to be with? I always thought you were smarter than this, Hels."
Helena scoffs and smiles, but there isn't a lick of humor in it as she meets her sister's eyes in their reflection. "Do you even realize how classist you sound? That's me saying that, of all people. Just because he isn't dripping from head to toe in daddy's money doesn't mean he isn't worthy of love--"
"So you love him?" the older girl asked with a displeased expression quicky turning to disgust. Helena hesitates before she shakes her head. She doesn't love JJ, but she knows she cares about him and somehow that's worse. When you're in love with someone, you have an excuse to care about someone, a reason to go out of your way for them. What's her excuse for caring about someone who was supposed to just be a warm body to her? Somehow, that's more humiliating to her than loving him. Loving him would make this easy.
"Hailey, I know you feel the need to step into mom's role since she's never here, but you need to understand that I'm almost seventeen and I can at least start to make my own decisions. I don't owe you my thought process or my feelings towards JJ, that is no one's business but his and mine," the younger girl felt like she snapped, but her voice was calm and controlled. It was rare she stood up to Hailey in a serious sense. Sure, they could bicker about "whore nails" and slutshame each other all day, but when it came to a real conversation Hailey always won.
"I've seen this before, Helena, I've lived this before and trust me, you won't like the ending," her sister's tone was softer now, but there was still a bite to it that was sharp enough to kill. The older girl's hands rested on her sister's shoulders, squeezing gently. It seemed caring to an outsider, but to Helena it felt like a threat. "You're right, I shouldn't bring class into this, but we both know that's not the only reason he isn't right for you. I'm not trying to be your mother, if I was, I'd just leave like she did. I'm talking to you as a big sister who has dealt with shitty boys over and over and it will never end well. I don't think there's a single redeemable boy on this stupid island. Maybe that Pope kid, he seems nice, but either way, girls like me and you deserve better, Helena."
"Don't compare me to you, it adds insult to injury," Helena spat as her fingers went to the clasp on her necklace and she hung it gently in its place. Her actions were soft compared to her tone of voice -- her controlled expression remained unchanged the harsher her voice got. "Just because you don't know how to find boys that won't treat you like trash doesn't mean I don't either. I'm pretty sure JJ has treated me better while he was just fucking me than any boyfriend of yours ever had. My rela-- thing with JJ isn't a little pet project for you to fix and control, Hailey. When will you get that through your thick, condescending skull?"
Hailey gasped and stepped back, letting go of her sister at the same time the other girl stood to be face to face with the girl. She didn't tower over her, but she did have the upper hand by about two inches.
The older looked up at her with daggers in her eyes and venom on her tongue as her hands pressed to Helena's chest and shoved her back hard enough to make her stumble, "Yeah, at least boys want to date me instead of sneaking away at events and parties and hiding in dark corners and refusing to admit anything to each other. At least no one has ever been ashamed of me."
"God, you're a bitch," Helena seethed as he regained her balance and grabbed onto her sister's long blonde hair and yanking her head back until the girl yelped. She quickly covered her mouth as not to alert her father, but if he was already asleep there was no way he was going to be awoken. Hailey stepped back, clutching her scalp as she glared at Helena.
"I won't tolerate this shit any longer," Hailey said through bared teeth as she pushed her sister back against the wall, "You're ending things and I'm going with you to make sure you do. This boy is destroying you."
"He's the one destroying me? Coming from you, that's rich," the younger scoffs as she shoves the girl off of her and opens the door, "Get the fuck out, Hailey. I'll end things with him if it means you stop treating me like a fucking child who can't make her own decisions."
Hailey shook her head in disapproval as she steps into the doorway. As she leaves, she says, "I tell you this shit because I care about you, everyone else is too afraid to stand up to you."
"Oh, shut the fuck up," Helena says as she slams the door in her sister's face. If this was supposed to be sisterly love, Hailey had a weird ass way of showing it.
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the amount of times i make these sisters fight... too many. also you guys like hella read this story so thank you because this has gained like 3k more reads since the last chapter and that's sick as fuck
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