Chapter 1

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It's the night of Prawn and everybody is hanging out at the wolf den for the after party. Usually at a Seabrook high party everybody would hang out in their groups; cheerleaders, footballers, computer geeks; that kind of stuff. But not today.

Humans, zombies and werewolves were combined, and Lacey had even tried a flavour of ice-cream that wasn't vanilla! How's that for progress?

It was past midnight so people were starting to leave. Bonzo was walking Bree home, Bucky and the Aceys had long since decided that this party was overrated and Addison, Zed, Wyatt, Willa, Wynter and Eliza were cleaning up.

The den wasn't too messy, but it wouldn't be the nicest feeling to wake up in the morning and slip in a pile of melted fro-yo.

After the cleaning process had finished, the group gathered for goodbyes.

"This has been one of the best nights ever," said Addison, talking to everyone but it wasn't hard to tell that she was talking to one person in particular. One person with green hair and a red suit.

"Definitely," replied Zed, staring deep into Addison's eyes. No one else really had the courage to break the moment, so Willa took control.

"Ok lovebirds, out of here. You might wake the werepups with all that wishy washy goo goo talk and trust me, you don't want to deal with a grumpy werepup."

Zed stuck out his elbow for Addison, where she eagerly grabbed it and headed for the door. She couldn't see it, but Addison could feel Willa rolling her eyes.

Eliza was standing there shuffling her feet, unsure of what to do or say next. She was thinking about the night's events. The party had been amazing.

She danced with all of her friends and had a blast. She felt like she had gotten closer to all of them.

Most of all Wyatt.

He had been on his own for most of the night. Everyone one had their own partner that they roamed around with. Zed never left Addison's side, nor did Bree leave Bonzo's.

Willa and Wynter offered to hang around with him, but they were like family to him and no teenagers wanted to hang out with family at a party.

So he was on his own until Eliza came.

They danced together all night, and got to each other really well.

Wyatt's heart was wondering whether or not he and Eliza could be more than friends when his head snapped back 'no! you are a wolf and wolves don't fall in love with zombies!'

It was times like this when Wyatt wished that some magical being would come to him and tell him what to do.

Of course, Eliza didn't know this. Nor did she know that deep inside of her er heart and her brain were at war with the same debate, 'could a werewolf and a zombie ever be?', 'could Eliza and Wyatt ever become closer?'.

She was snapped out of her thinking by someone saying "Eliza, Eliza, earth to Eliza." It was Wyatt, and if it was possible for a zombie Eliza could have swore she just blushed.

"Eliza, would you like me to walk you home?" he asked

All of Eliza wanted to shout 'YES YES YES YES YES' but what came out was completely different.

"No I'm fine thanks, I know my way," she said.

Disappointment crept through Wyatt's features, visible even with all the might he put in to hide it. Eliza noticed it too, but her brain had muted her heart and was taking control.

She left without another word, although deep inside her her heart was screaming and crying about what she had just done. With a sudden surge of courage she peeked over her shoulder to look at Wyatt again.

She noticed him also staring at her, making her suddenly turn around again, hiding a smile. Eliza was no good at hiding emotions either, so Wyatt's grin widened, happy that she knew he cared.

Eliza was lying before. She didn't know her way around the forbidden forest at all. So after stumbling around blindly for a few minutes, she decided to stay where she was. Maybe she could call Addison or Bree, but there was no reception this deep in the woods.

It was after a few minutes that she sensed a presence, like someone was watching her.

All of a sudden something grabbed at her arm and pulled her away. Whoever they were they made the mistake of not covering her mouth quick enough, for she let out a really, really loud scream...

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