Chapter 2

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Wyatt was standing at the entrance to the den just staring at the spot where Eliza just left, unaware of how long he had been there.

Realisation hit him like a bullet. Eliza didn't know her way around the woods! She was probably lost and alone and scared.

His heart told him to go and get her, while his head told him to stay. 'Not this again!' he thought to himself.

But it was when he heard her scream in the distance that the head was ditched and he ran as fast as he could to where Eliza's scream had just been.


Meanwhile, Eliza had given up trying to fight against whoever was dragging her. After the scream incident they had gagged her and bound her arms. There was definitely more than one, Eliza had guessed about 3.

She was put onto this weird cart with wheels and was being held down by one, and dragged by the other two.

The only explanation in her brain was that these were henchmen to a bigger leader, but Eliza had probably watched too many movies to actually believe in this.

Although if these were the henchmen, she didn't want to know who the leader was.

She spent the long and uncomfortable trip trying to figure out who her captors were and whether she knew them.

The one holding her down seemed to have a cone around their head, like one a dog might wear if it had fleas.

'This could be a team of werewolves,' she thought to herself, although that idea did not seem very appealing.

Her captors finally stopped at a clearing, right next to a big creek. There was a van parked amongst the bushes, although she couldn't quite make out what it said.

They tied Eliza down onto a chair and sat her right next to the creek, making it impossible for her to escape.

A person stepped out of the shadows and made their way towards Eliza. They were wearing a green cape of some sorts, not usually the go to wardrobe choice for a kidnapping villain.

"Well, well well, nice to see you Eliza. I'm guessing your trip was nice and comfortable. My agents said that you were nice and quiet on the journey. Good girl."

The voice was of a man, somewhat familiar but Eliza couldn't quite put her finger on who it was.

The mysterious stranger was about to speak when he was interrupted by one of the henchmen. This time it was a girls voice

"Master it's not fair!" she said. "Lace - I mean Agent L didn't do anything! Me and Agent J were pulling the cart the whole time and she was just standing at the back with Eliza!"

Agent L wasn't happy with the accusation.

"I wouldn't have been able to pull the cart anyway. I can't see a thing with this thing on my head!"

This was also a girls voice, but it was echoed around her cone making her voice sound very weird indeed.

The master shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"I have told you, that 'thing' is the Cone of Shame. You betrayed our cheer code by trying that ice-cream, so we have brought this zombie here for you to reinstate your initiation. On second thoughts, you should all reinstate your initiation."

Eliza's head was buzzing with thoughts. Ice-cream, cheer code, it all made sense now. This was Bucky and the Aceys! The same Aceys that stole her computer last year and turned her z-band off. Eliza hadn't yet forgiven them for that.

Although she hoped that this wasn't the case, for if they were doing cheer initiation, with her, it was not going to be a pretty sight.

"You're not getting away with this Bucky!" Eliza shouted, spitting out her gag.

"I believe we already have," he replied, pulling an egg carton out of his pocket and handing it to the Aceys.

It was then that Eliza smelt the wet dog...

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