Chapter 9

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The boys had been searching the forest for hours but still hadn't found Eliza. Wyatt searched all the werewolf territory, which was a lot but his wolf skills made him a fast runner with a good sense of smell. That left Zed to search the rest of the forest. Bonzo had left to look around Seabrooke and Zombietown just in case Eliza has returned.

Zed knew of Wyatt's extreme hearing, so it was easy to call for him.

He heard rushing in the leaves to his right, getting louder and louder. Suddenly a furry figure popped out of the bushes.
"Did you find her? Please tell me you found her!"

"No, not yet, but there isn't any reason to worry. Eliza's tough, and I am positive that she will be alright."

"If you're sure...."

"I'm sure. Now, you lovesick werewolf, we need a break. How about we toss the football around for a bit. It should take your mind of Eliza for a bit."

"I'm not lovesick."
Zed raised an eyebrow .

"Ok," Wyatt confessed, "maybe a little bit. Where's that football of yours?"

"Go long."

Wyatt ran about 50 metres away from where Zed was standing, which happened to be close to a spot of fake grass with warning tape around it.

The throw was close to the target, but off to the left. Wyatt wasn't ready and by the time he realised that there was a football coming up on his side, the was no choice but to get lucky and dive for it. Werewolf powers gave him a really long leap, further than most people could move.
This didn't help.

Wyatt was too late and missed the ball altogether, landing right in the middle of the warning tape. At first nothing happened, but then the grass caved in and he landed hard in the middle of the hole, bringing up dust around him.

..................................................The night earlier.................................................

There is something you need to know about Eliza. She is claustrophobic. So the idea of being stranded in a very small hole did not appeal to her.

The first few hours of living in a hole were mostly spent doing the following:
- calling for help
- trying to climb out (which failed)
- crying because there was no way she was going to get out of this hole.

So when all attempts failed, Eliza realised that she was going to have to make this more comfortable if she were to stay here for a while.

Here's something else you didn't know about Eliza:
Ever since prom (which was only the night before she was tricked) she had been practising taking off her Z-band for longer amounts of time. Her record was 5 minutes, although she was worried that if she tried to get a higher record something and would happen.

Eliza looked down at the screen of her Z-band, and swiped across until it read 'WARNING OFFLINE'. She could feel the blue-green veins popping out of her arms, and her face was starting to redden sightly. It was amazing to feel this new strength, but there was no time to waste. She started counting in her head, 299, 298, 297, 296, 295...

Eliza started scratching furiously at the walls, at first only making slight dents to the compacted dirt. She scratched harder. This time the walls started crumbling, little by little widening the hole. By the time Eliza had made it all the way to 1, there was enough room for her to lie down comfortably.
After sliding her Z-band back into online mode, Eliza let out a small smile, satisfied with the work that she has achieved in just 5 minutes. This lasted for only a few seconds before reality hit her and she frowned at the fact that she was still stuck in a hole with no way out.

..................................................Back to present time...................................................

The fake grass over her head was sound proof, but Zed could be pretty loud. Eliza heard the whole conversation about finding her, and then the football. She then heard Wyatt running towards her, which gave her barely enough time to move out of the way before he came crashing down next to her.

Dust came up around Wyatt when he landed, so he couldn't see Eliza at first. He didn't need to. Before all his senses had been fully restored Eliza stepped over to him and covered him in a giant hug.

"Eliza! Who... What... How... Why... I'm so glad your alright!" He returned the hug, smiling but confused and worried at the same time.

The light darkened and they both looked up to see Zed looking over the hole, blocking the sunlight. It made their moment kind of awkward as they both pulled away gingerly.

"Hey! We found her!" Zed shouted much louder than was probably necessary. Then he looked at Wyatt and Eliza standing there together and smirked.
"I'm just going to leave you two alone for a moment, I'll go see if I can find a ladder or something. Have fun!"

Zed left and Eliza took her eyes off the ground to look at Wyatt, who was staring at her, causing her to look down again.


..................................................A Note From the Author..................................................
I'm back!
I am so sorry that I haven't written for the past 2 weeks.
I hope you saw the note I left on my message board about being unable to write
If not, I'm sorry that I kept you waiting.

A big thank you to all of you have voted and commented on my story while I have been gone, I really appreciate it.
This chapter as supposed to be combined with the next one, but it would have ended up too long. It is school holidays so I should be able to write more soon but until then, enjoy!
Have a great day/night
- Hey_its_Jules

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