Chapter 10

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"How long have you been down here? Why are you down here? Who did this? Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine. And there is no way I can remember all of those questions you have just asked me, nor do I even know the answer to most of them. My turn, what are you doing down here?"

Wyatt scratched the back of his heard nervously.
"Well, I was looking for you. I was so worried when you didn't show up to our meet earlier, and then Addison brought up the note you received last night. So we went to ask your mum--"

"You talked to my mum? Everyone thinks she's intimidating, even Zed, who's known her for ages."

"Yes, very," muttered Wyatt but Eliza couldn't hear him.
"Let me continue. We went to ask your mum if she had seen you, and when she said no we came out to the forest to search for you. Long story short Zed and I started playing with the football, which happened to go right above this hole. You know the rest of the story."

"Umm, i would say thanks but all you did was made this hole all dusty and even more crowded."
Eliza and Wyatt both started cracking up, but as their laughter died down the moment became awkward again.

They both stared at the floor for a little while before Wyatt took a big breath in, gathering his courage, which made Eliza look back up. He looked her in the eyes and started talking.

"Eliza, there's something I need to tell you, but please don't interrupt me until I'm finished."
Wyatt took one more big breath in.

"I remember the first time I saw you. I came into your school assembly with the wolves and although I had no reason to trust any of the people in there I saw you and I couldn't bring myself to think of you as someone who would attack the tribe. And then you and Zed approached us to get us to vote for him and you were so confident speaking to us, despite the entrance we made into Seabrooke. Finally, at Prawn, dancing with you was the best fun I had ever had, next to hunting which I love a lot..... and telling stories..... but that's not the point I'm trying to make. The thing is, Eliza, I really like you, more than just a friend, I really do."

Eliza was silent.

"Please say something, anything, please?

"Wyatt, I... uh... I don't.... i don't know what to say..."

"Oh, ok." He hung his head down

Without thinking, Eliza leaned forwards and planted a kiss on his cheek. Then she took a big breath in.
"Wyatt I like you too, I just didn't know how to say it. I've never really been into someone before, but now I understand how amazing someone like Addison feels to have someone like Zed.

Wyatt smiled, and he pulled Eliza in for a hug.
"Have you got any plans for this afternoon? I mean, we could get some fro-yo? If you would like to that is?"

"Of course I would," she replied, beaming.

A voice came from up out of the hole.
"Wyatt? Making plans without me?"

Eliza's smile turned from happy to angry.
"ZED! How much did you hear?"

"Just enough to know what's going on...."
He carefully lowered the ladder into the hole so that the couple could get out.

Eliza let out a "humf" in annoyance but then made her way up and out of the hole. To her surprise, Addison and Bree were also at the top.

They started firing questions at the same time.
"Eliza! Are you ok?!"
"What was it like down there?"

"That's not important," replied Eliza, "but I need your help."
She pulled them off to the side so that the boys wouldn't overhear.
"Wyatt asked me out on a date, and I have no idea what to do!?"

Addison and Bree turned to look at each other, smiling...

I hope that you like this chapter (even though it's a little bit short) I know I enjoyed writing it.

I may not be able to write as much in the weeks to come, since my remote learning is starting back up and then school goes back next week.
But don't worry, this story will be finished, no matter what it takes
Thank you for reading my story and I hoped you have a good day/night
- Hey_its_Jules

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