Chapter 8

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Nobody was particularly worried when Eliza didn't show up to the group's meet the next day. They reasoned that she was probably doing something on her computer. Unless you count a super handsome werewolf who had a crush on Eliza  as nobody.
Wyatt was fidgeting in his seat, glancing constantly in the direction of Zombietown.

Bree, Bonzo, Zed and Addison all noticed him staring.
"Cheer up Wyatt, Eliza's fine." Zed's voice was reassuring, but it did it make Wyatt relax completely.

"Za, Elizki gazarz zu web comiziaz," replied Bonzo
"Yes," translates Bree, "Eliza's always late when she's on her computer."

"I know but I haven't talked to her since after I met her in the computer lab after school yesterday."
By now everyone in their group knew what had happened between them in the lab.

Addison frowned, thinking for a minute.
"Wait a second... didn't you meet Eliza in the forest last night?"

"What are you talking about, I told you I haven't seen her." Wyatt was almost as confused as Addison.

"Oh no! I was talking to Eliza last night and she said she got a note saying to meet her in the forest. We both thought it was you so she went out. She could still be out there!"

Zed knew what was about to happen so he was able to grab Wyatt before he jumped and ran off.
"Hey, she may be still at her house for all we know. Come with me, Bonzo you can come too if you like, and then we can ask her mum if she's seen her, and if not we'll get the patrol to look for her. It will be fine."

Wyatt calmed down and took a deep breath.
"Ok, but let's go."

With that, Zed, Bonzo and Wyatt headed off to Eliza's house.

As soon as the boys left Addison started talking.
"Ok we need to get those two together. Wyatt and Eliza are so cute!"

"Yes, we do, but I have a worry. If it works and Wyatt and Eliza go out on a date, what would Eliza wear? Maroon pants and a jacket? I mean her prom outfit was nice but she tossed that as soon as it finished saying it was 'too formal'. What are we going to do?"

At the same time they both burst out laughing.
"You do have a point Bree. Maybe we should start piecing together some of our old stuff to give to her?"

"Ok let's go."

Addison and Bree left, talking non stop for the rest of the afternoon about what colours matched Eliza skin tone and how much makeup she would actually wear (which was probably none).

Ok let's go see what the boys are up to...

Wyatt was trying to avoid conversation with Zed and Bonzo, for he knew what they wanted to talk about. But there were bigger problems. Eliza could possibly be in trouble, so nothing was going to stand in his way.

Knock, knock, knock knock, knock
"Coming!," came a voice from inside the door.
Eliza's mum opened the door a crack to peek outside, but then she saw a familiar face and flung it the rest if the way open, nearly knocking down Wyatt.

"Zed! I haven't seen you in ages, what brings you here?"

"Well," replies Zed, "we came to ask about Eliza. Have you seen her this morning?"

"No I haven't, I assumed that she had already headed off to your group meet. Should I be worried?"

A Note From The Author
I originally had plans for this chapter to be connected with the next,
but it thought that would take too long so this is the first part

I hope you enjoyed, and sorry that I didn't have Eliza in this chapter.
Have a good day/night
- Hey_its_Jules

Wyatt stepped in, continuing the conversation.
"No, there nothing to be worried about Mrs Zambie, but we better be off now. Thank you, bye."
He started walking off but Eliza's Mum stopped him.

"Wait a second, your Wyatt, right? Eliza's told me all about you."
"Zed raised an eyebrow but the werewolf didn't notice. He was staring at the ground, embarrassed.

"Oh! Don't worry, all good things," she paused, "unless there something I don't know?"

"It's - uh - it's fine. I'm not a criminal or anything."

Mrs Zambie chuckled.
"Ok, good. Now go save my daughter."

Wyatt took a deep breath with relieve that this conversation was over.
"Yes we better be going to do - how did you know that Eliza needed saving?"

"You came here to ask me if Eliza was home, and when I say no you assure me everything is fine. Then you are in a rush to get going. It doesn't take much thinking to tell what's going on.

None of the boys knew what to say.

"Well what are you waiting for, go!"

Zed, Bonzo and Wyatt all awkwardly shuffled down the steps from the front door, and made their way back out of Zombietown. Once they were out of earshot Wyatt started talking.
"Is she always that intimidating?"
Zed and Bonzo couldn't help but laugh

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