Chapter 12

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Eliza wasn't sure how to approach Wyatt at school the next day. She didn't have too.

Someone tapped on her shoulder.
"Hey Eliza can I talk to you, it's about yesterday-" he was cut off
"I can't! I'm sorry. I just - we can never be - I'm so sorry - you wouldn't understand." Tears were welling up in Eliza's eyes. She ran to the girls bathrooms, making sure that Wyatt couldn't see her crying.
"Awrooo," he muttered under his breath, but I'm not going to translate it due to this being a kid friendly story

Someone came up behind Wyatt and he jumped in surprise.
"Zed! Seriously dude!"
"Sorry buddy, I just wanted to make sure you are ok, I saw what just happened. She seemed in a rush to say that, and it's bit like Eliza to run off crying."
"Wait, she was crying, is she ok?"
"I'm sure it's fine, Addison went in to check on her. Do you have any idea why she might have done that?"
"I think so, but please don't tell anyone..."

Wyatt told Zed the story of what happened the day before when he went back to Eliza's house.

Meanwhile in the girls bathrooms...

"Eliza! Hello! I know your in here! Are you ok?"
Addison could here sniffling coming from one of the cubicles, and luckily for her Eliza has left the door unlocked.
"Awww." Addison went and gave Eliza a big hug, and when they finally pulled away Eliza had stopped crying but had puffy eyes.

"Ok you've stopped crying so let's cut to the questions. Why did you do that? I know how much you like Wyatt and how much he likes you!"
"I got another- no reason."
Addison raised an eyebrow at her.
"No reason is not a reason to leave him, tell me the real story."
"Fine fine fine fine fine"

So she told Addison about what happened the night before.

Time has passed, school has ended and Wyatt is now back at the wolf den

"Hey Willa, did the pups behave today?"
"In my dreams. How was your day?"
"Not that great actually, Eliza..... wasn't herself."
"What, as in she looked different?
"Sounded different? She could probably pull it off with that voice changer thing of hers."

That's when it hit him.
"How did you know about her voice changer?"
"Uh... she told me about it."
"Bro, chill. Like last week or something, before Prawn."
"No she didn't. She told me that she hadn't shown anyone else, and that I was the first one. So there would be no way of you knowing about it. Unless of course, you stole it! And used it to fake my voice which and have her fall into a hole!"

"What are you taking about?" Willa's voice sounded slightly nervous.
"And then there all the notes hat you gave her, the horrible notes. What do you have against us being together?!"
"Ok, its me. I'm sorry. To be completely honest...."
"Go on." Wyatt was still mad.

"If I'm going to be honest, I was scared of losing you. I knew you liked her and she liked you when I saw you two dancing at Prawn, and it made me jealous. If you two were together, you wouldn't have as much time to spend with me, and don't want that. Wynter can only tell jokes so many times.... but please, I didn't mean any harm."
"So no harm means making her fall into a hole and spend the whole night there?"
"Sorry about that. I understand if you hate me, but I didn't want to lose my favourite brother."
"I'm your only brother."
"That makes you my favourite"

Wyatt walked closer to Willa. She braced herself for whatever he was going to do as punishment, but instead was surprised when he gave her a big tight hug.
He let go, but Willa was smiling nevertheless.

"I'll forgive you on one condition. Apologise to Eliza."
Willa didn't need to think about the offer.
"Yes yes, of course," she paused," sir."
They started laughing, but Wyatt out his serious face in and looked her in the eyes.
"I'm serious, now."
"Yes sir...boss...captain"

Wyatt couldn't help but crack a smile

Sorry it took a while for the update, but it's now here.
I know this chapter happen quite fast, but I wanted to fill the space before what happens next
It may take me a little while to do the next chapter as I have lots of work and with restrictions easing I will be doing more things that don't involve my device.
Thank you for sticking with me this far into my Wyiza adventure, as we are close to the end

Hope you have a wonderful day/night
- Hey_its_Jules

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