Chapter 5

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After school Wyatt hung around the front entrance so that he could talk to Eliza. Zed was waiting with him because Addison had cheer practise. They had been waiting for 10 minutes and most people had already left school.

Zed suggested that they go to watch cheer practise, but Wyatt said he'd look inside the school. He decided to go and check the tech lab, for Eliza loved spending time there.

As Wyatt approached the door he heard a gentle sobbing coming from inside. He knocked quietly on the door and whoever was inside stopped crying.

"Come in," came Eliza's voice, although it wasn't as strong and proud as it usually was.

Wyatt walked in an sat down at the chair next to Eliza.

"Are you ok Eliza?"

"Yes I'm fine. What are you doing here?

"I was actually looking for you. And I know your not fine tell me whats wrong".
Some of the sadness lifted from Eliza's face, but it was hard to notice unless you were looking for it. Which Wyatt was.

"Ok, I guess it kind of does involve you."
Eliza slid a note a across the table to Wyatt. It was a letter, handwritten, but he couldn't recognise the handwriting.

Not only have you let humans humiliate you,
but you have dragged a werewolf into it and
ruined his pride. Shame on you.

Eliza burst into tears, this time not trying to hide it. Wyatt put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
"I'm so sorry about last night," she said, still crying. "I shouldn't have let them do that to you. It was my fault that they caught me and you shouldn't have been involved."

"Eliza it's fine. I wasn't just going to let them do that to you, I care about you too much."


"Yes. Now what is this that you have been making?"
He pointed to a necklace looking device that Eliza has been working on.

"It's just something I've been working on, although I think it's nearly done."
Eliza took some tools out of her bag and started tweaking the machine in some parts.
"I haven't come up with a name for it yet but I guess it's my voice changer. If you wear it around you neck you can make yourself sound like whoever you want, as long as you can record their voice beforehand.

"So I can be like this," Wyatt switched his voice to a unrealistic high pitched tone.
"Hi my name is Eliza and I think Wyatt is super handsome and fine smelling!"
He laughed afterwards, and Eliza couldn't help cracking a smile as well.

Eliza gave Wyatt a playful whack over the head.
"First of all my voice does not sound like that," she said, giving him another whack.
"And second, who told you?"

Wyatt shrugged.

"It was Zed wasn't it! Remind me to give him a hard kick when I see him next."


Eliza picked up her voice changer necklace and placed it around her neck
"Done! Ok start talking, I want to see if this works."

"Umm.... ok.... hi my name is Wyatt .... I'm a wolf."

"That should be good. Ok let's give this a try." Eliza switched the flip on the side of the necklace and started talking.

"Hi I'm Wyatt and I am super super annoying!" Her voice sounded perfectly like Wyatt's. If someone was listening from the door they could have sworn that it was him.

"Woah that sounded just like me, minus the annoying part. How many people have seen your voice changer, it's really cool?"

"Well, it's just you actually. Please promise that you tell anyone. Please. And you are so annoying." Eliza have a little smile

"Ok I promise, but you have to take back the thing about me being annoying."


"Ok then I have no choice..."
Wyatt leaned forwards and stared tickling Eliza.


"Ok but you have to say I'm not annoying."

"Fine, fine, fine. Your not annoying. Now stop!"
Wyatt stopped but Eliza was still recovering and she fell into his arms. Eliza looked up to Wyatt only to notice that he too was looking at her.
They stared into each other's eyes for a while, and then ever so slowing their faces inched their way towards each other.
They were only centimetres apart when someone came into the room.

"Hey Eliza are you in -" Addison stopped suddenly, muttered an apology and turned around leaving. Once she was out of view she gave a little smile, happy that her friends were getting along.

Back in the room Eliza sat up, nearly banging into what's forehead.
"I... uh... have to go.... bye."
With that Eliza rushed out of the door to the lab.

A Note From The Author
Sorry that this took a little while to update,
I've been a little busy.
This chapter is a bit longer than I thought it was
but I had so many ideas and didn't want to write it
over 2.
Thank you for reading it I hope you enjoyed.
- Hey_it's_Jules

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