Chapter 4

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Eliza hadn't seen this much chatter at Seabrooke high since Zombies started eating in the cafeteria.
As she walked to the meeting spot she saw students turn their head to look at her, then look away, and then look again. Some were rewatching the video of he initiation, unsure whether to laugh or stay quiet.

She was sitting doing work on her computer when someone came and sat down beside her.

"You ok Eliza?"
It was Addison. She sounded sympathetic and angry at the same time.

"So I guess you saw the video then," replied Eliza, sighing, not looking up from her screen.

"Everyone has. Next time I see Bucky I'm going to -"

"Addison, I get it. But it's my fault that I was wandering around the woods alone"

"You weren't alone," she started, smirking a little bit. "Wyatt was there. You guys make a cute couple."

"That's enough Addison. There is nothing between Wyatt and Me!"

"Sure there isn't."

Their conversation was interrupted by someone putting a hand on Addison's shoulder. She was still mad about Bucky which made her reflexes strong and instant. Fast a lightning, Addison's hand swung round in a fist, ready to make contact with whoever was behind her.

Luckily, Zed had been caught in this situation before and was able to duck out of the way of Addison's quick punch. While he was down, he picked Addison up and spun her around. He gave her a kiss and then put her down again.

"You know, all this punching in making me think that you don't like me anymore."

They lean into each other, resting their foreheads together and smiling.

"Do you have to do that here?," comes a voice. It was Wyatt, strangely he was on his own and not with the wolves. Zed noticed it straight away.

"Hey Wyatt. Where are the rest of the wolves?"

"Some of the elders haven't yet gotten better since we retrieved the moonstone last night. Willa and Wynter are taking charge of the werepups until they get better."

Zed was about to say something but Wyatt cut him off.

"And the answer to the question I can tell you are about to ask me, I'm here, not there, because we are thinking about joining the school properly and they wanted me to check it out, without having my mind focused on finding the moonstone."

"Well I think you will do quite well," replied Zed. "You know, a werewolf like you would make a great addition to the football team."

"You really think so?," asked Wyatt, who was surprised by Zed's offer.

"Of course."

Everyone was silent for a moment, not quite sure what to say. Eliza checked her watch and quickly stuffed her things into her bag, although she was very careful with her computer.

"Sorry guys, I have to go. I'm meeting with the coding club before class. I'll talk to you soon."

After Eliza left Addison jumped up, catching Zed by surprise and nearly toppling him over.

"Oh no, I almost forgot! I need to set up for cheer practise. We're supposed to have an extra session straight after class and I won't have time to set up later! See you at lunch Zed!"

Addison gave Zed a quick goodbye kiss and then ran off towards the gym.

"So...," started Zed, turning towards Wyatt. "What's the deal with you and Eliza? I saw you two dancing at Prawn. Not to mention what you did for her last night."

"Well, about that. I need some advice. With you and Addison... how did you know that you both liked each other?"

"So you do like Eliza?"

"That's not the point. Let's just say I wanted to ask someone out, but I wasn't sure if they liked me back. What do I do?"

"Well, well, well," said Zed, walking towards Wyatt. "If you both like each other then you have a connection. If you look into their eyes you can just tell. And you can't fool me. I know you like Eliza."

"Fine, fine, you got me. Please don't tell Eliza. Or anyone else for that matter."

"Your secret is safe with me. Now, follow me. I'll show you the basics of football so that you can crush your tryout."


And with that Zed and Wyatt both headed off in the direction of the football field.

A Note From The Author
Sorry that I didn't write a chapter last week, I have been caught up in schoolwork.
I hope you like this chapter, it is mostly dialog.
I have the next few chapters roughly planned out so hopefully I can have them written soon
- Hey_its_Jules

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