Chapter 11

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"Seriously, is all this make up necessary? I'm just going out for fro-yo!"
Addison and Bree had been getting Eliza ready for an hour, but to Eliza it felt like years on end of torture.

"Eliza this is not just any casual catch up, you're going on a date."

"Wait what? It isn't - we're not - he didn't say it was a date..."

"Your the smart one here, but even then it doesn't take much to see that he was asking you on a date. And.... done! Stand up and have a look at how beautiful you are." Addison started to pack her make up kit, while Bree straightend Eliza's outfit.

Eliza walked up to the mirror and for a second she couldn't believe her eyes.
In the mirror was a beautiful zombie, green hair in a casual high pony that was swept to the side. She had a cute black t-shirt and some navy jeans. All of which was Addison and Bree's doing.
Eliza did get somewhat of a say in what she was wearing. On her feet were some maroon buckle boots, much to her friends dislike. But when it comes to getting what she wants Eliza could be very stubborn.

"Now girl, you have fun, and tell us everything when you get back!"

"Fine fine fine fine fine."
Eliza acted as if it wasn't a big deal in front of her friends. But when she was out the door and away from their sight, she beamed brightly and jumped around excitedly. Which was denied to anyone who inquired about it in the future.

Wyatt was sitting on a park bench across the road when Eliza arrived at the fro yo place. He couldn't help but stare for a couple of seconds before going over to her.

"Wow - I - I mean - you look amazing!"
Eliza rolled her eyes.
"Addison and Bree are so annoying."
"Well I - I - I like your boots," he said, pointed the shoes that did not match her outfit.
She rolled her eyes again.
"Let's just go inside."

Once they found a table, and had a look at the menus, Wyatt started to get up.
"Hey, where are you going?"
"To order the fro yo, why?"
"Let me come, I'm not going to let you pay for mine as well!"
"But a gentleman always pays for the food in their first date." Wyatt realised what he just said and looked down.
"I - I - I mean not that this is a date, unless you want it to be, um...."
"Of course it can be."
Wyatt smiled.

He soon returned with the fro yo, 'Squirmy Wormy' for Eliza and 'Peanut Butter & Bones" for Wyatt.
They walked together to the bench that Wyatt was sitting in earlier, and sat down.
The two of them started eating silently until Eliza looked up to see Wyatt yet again looking at her.
"It's just, your so beautiful."
"Well your so handsome."
She took her spoon and out a bit of ice cream on his nose, which made then both laugh.

"Ok, this has been bothering since I saw you earlier and I have to ask, why were you in the hole?"
"Long story."
"It's ok, I have time."

"Fine. You know how I got that note the other day and i was, um, thinking in the tech lab?"
Wyatt nodded, remembering what happened in there very clearly.
"Well I got another note, I'm assuming it was from the same person, who told me to meet them at the edge of the forest, and at the time I thought it was you. So I went there, and they stole my voice changing device, making them sound like they were you, and you told me to stand on this patch of fake grass. So I did and then yeah I don't think there is too much more to tell."

"Whoever did that to you is going to pay big time! Why would they do that to you. Maybe they think i'm super handsome and fine smelling as well? It could be they're jealous of you?"

"Ok first, there is no way anyone could be jealous of me. And second, can you please stop teasing me about that."

"Now I have 2 things for you: first, I'm never going to forget that. Second, there are so many reasons that people could be jealous of you! Your smart, funny, kind, beautiful, and most importantly, you went out on a date with the most super handsome and fine smelling werewolf around."

Eliza phone vibrated in the pocket of her jeans. The pockets were annoying so it took Eliza more than usual to fish her device out of her pocket. It was a message from her mum:


"Everything ok?"
"Yeah my it's my mum, she said she wanted me to come home right now, and it was all in caps so she must be angry, I don't know why though. Sorry."

"Do you want me to walk you home?"
"No I'm fine, but thanks."
Eliza did want him to come, but there was too much on her mind at the moment."

When she got home her mum was waiting for her in the kitchen.
"Mum, are you ok, did i do something wrong?"
"I don't think so, i heard some noise upstairs, and then, well, I better just show you."

Eliza was led up to her bedroom, and her mum pushed the door open. Eliza's eyes went wide and her jaw nearly hit the ground. Everything was everywhere. Clothes were thrown everywhere, paper was ripped up and, oh no, please no, please please please no, her computer was smashed to pieces. The only thing untouched was a note, lying next to the broken computer. Eliza tried to turn the light on, but of course, that was smashed too.

Dump Wyatt or else this could be easily copied to all of your friends as well

Tears were welling up in Eliza's eyes. She needed space to cry, and to think and then to cry some more. Soundlessly, Eliza pushed pass her mom and ran back out the front door, into the late afternoon air. Eliza mum just let her be and went back downstairs to continue her work in the kitchen.

What neither of then knew however was that someone else was coming in through Eliza's window. The figure straightened out and looked around, as surprised as the others were when they saw it.
"Hello," Wyatt whispered, "Eliza?"
He slowly walked around her room, and saw the note lying on her bed. Reading it also made him want to cry. Who, Why, How? He had to talk to Eliza. But not right now.

Wyatt jumped out the window and was in the forest in seconds. The best thing to do to shake off his back energy was to run.
So that's exactly what he did.

I hope you liked this chapter, it was fun to write,
and I have a good  idea as to what will happen next.
Stay safe and have a good day/night!
- Hey_it's_Jules

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