Chapter 7

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The forest night air was cold, but Zombie senses were dulled and therefore didn't feel chills as often as humans. Still, Eliza was shaking. But I not from the temperature. She didn't know who wrote the note, but her senses were telling her that it was Wyatt. Although that might just be because she wanted it to be Wyatt.

She hadn't talked to him since the met in the science lab, and even though it had only happened after school that day she felt like she had been away from him for too long.

Eliza's head was still buzzing with thoughts when she found herself walking through the gates to the forest. It was a clear night and the crescent moon was shining brightly in the sky. Eliza always found astrology quite fascinating, mostly because of the science and the beauty behind it.

The moonlight was reflecting on something not too far away from Eliza. It was giving of the yellow glow, with dark spots covering it. She looked around, hoping to see a familiar face.
Well, she didn't see it, but she heard it

Something was rustling in the trees nearby.
"Wh-who-who's there?" Eliza's voice sounded shaky.

"Eliza it's fine, just me."
The voice was Wyatt's, but he stayed hidden behind the bushes.

"See that patch of fake grass over there? I surrounded it in warning tape so that you could see it easier in the dark."
Eliza could see it. It was the yellowish patch that she had noticed earlier. She made her way towards it.

"Just stand on top of it? Why?"

"Yes, I have a surprise for you." Usually Eliza would be suspicious of this, but it was Wyatt so she felt a little bit more comfortable.

"Ok." Eliza stepped on the patch quickly, which was a bad move. The fake grass caved in and Eliza landed at the bottom of a deep hole, too deep to be able to climb back out again.

"Wyatt! Help"

"Your Wyatt isn't going to come and save you now, zombie." The voice that was originally Wyatt's changed into Eliza's, a perfect copy. Anybody listening would think Eliza was talking to herself.

"What? How?" Eliza was confused. Then a thought hit her and she changed into an angry voice, one that you would expect to come out of her if she went full zombies.

"YOU! You wrote that note to me! And now you've taken my voice changer! How could you?"

"Well it was simple really. Wyatt was late home to the den so I went to the school to check on him. I saw you run out, and then after he left I found this gadget lying on the table. Then all I had to do was write you a note and you walk straight into my trap."

"But why?," Eliza stammered, trying to find a way to peek out of the whole at who was talking

"For hundreds of generations werewolf's have always found their mate with another werewolf. Wyatt is no different. He would put the den to shame if he were to go out with someone like you. I'm just trying to keep him in line. And as for what happened last night," Eliza couldn't see but she could feel a glare in her direction. "You ruined a werewolf's pride by letting a human humiliate him. I'm against all anti-monster activity, but it should have been you they egged, not him.

"Listen I'm sorry, but why are you going to shove me in a hole with no chance of survival?"

"Oh, right." A couple of cans of raw fish were tossed down the hole, and Eliza had to swerve quickly to avoid getting bonked on the head.

"I won't leave you in there forever, just until I think you've learned your lesson."

The fake grass that was previously covering the whole was dragged back over it, blocking all of Eliza light and leaving her in a dark hole with nothing but a few cans of fish.

"I hope you have a whole lot of fun down there."

A Note From The Author
Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did
Sorry that this chapter isn't very long, there wasn't to much going on
My plans for the next chapter means it may take a little bit longer to write, but hopefully it will be done soon.
Have a great day/night
- Hey_its_Jules

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