Your first date

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Will Graham 

For a first date, you and will actually spend the afternoon on the river bank, talking and fishing. Sure it might not sound romantic, but you both really enjoyed the quiet of the forest and each other's company.

After fishing for a few hours, you both had a picnic and ended up swimming after pushing each other in.

Needless to say, it was one of your favourite memories you had ever made.

Hannibal Lecter 

For your first date, Hannibal actually took you to the theatre to see Romeo and Juliet.  As expected, he was a gentleman, offering to hold your coat for you and opening your doors. Throughout the whole performance, your hand never left the comfort of his.

Because it was a tragedy, you found yourself crying. He held you gently and cried with you.

At the end of the night, he delivered you to your doorstep exactly on time and left you smiling to yourself.  Right at your door, he leaned down to place a kiss on your cheek. 

You both had a great time and really connected to each other on a sensitive level.

Freddie Lounds 

On your official first date, you both went to a petting zoo. You guys don't really have a reason why but you both had a lot of fun holding rabbits. (even if a goat tried to eat her camera)

You took turns taking photos of animals and took a few together.

While walking around, you both held hands. She also really felt a connection to a wonky-eyed alpaca. It was really cute that you both liked something so childish.

At the end of the day, you both decided to print out the photos and create what she likes to call a 'date book'. It took quite a while so you both ended up falling asleep on the sofa together.

Frederick Chilton

Frederick decided to take you to a drive-in movie. At first, he was planning to take you to a horror movie but you ended up watching a comedy together. In the end, he really liked it and it ended in you both cuddling in his car and stuffing your faces with popcorn.

When he brought you home and walked you to your door, you gave him a quick peck on the lips before thanking him.

He physically couldn't stop smiling for the whole week.

Bedelia Du Maurier :)

For your first date, you didn't really go anywhere. You both were just having dinner and wine at her house and it kinda turned into a date on its own. You both classify it as a date since at the end before you left, you kissed her cheek and she asked if you could go out again.

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