You fight/ break up

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Will Graham 

For the last few days, Will had been acting distant. You would try to kiss him and he'd just stand there, unresponsive. You understood that he was under pressure from the FBI so you gave him his space but this was getting ridiculous. It had been 4 days.

Four days since he had kissed you first.

 Four days since he had held you.

 You had had enough. You heard the door open and strode out to greet will with a kiss. This time however, he turned away. You backed away, feeling hurt and rejected. "What's going on with you, Will? " You asked, making direct eye contact with him. He sighed and looked down at the floor, feeling his eyes fill with tears of guilt.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled, still looking at the floor with a grimace. You made a move to hold his hand and he- for the first time in days- let you hold it. "What is it, love?" The mention of the nickname made him want to crumble in front of you. He knew that after he confessed this to you that that name he held so dear would no longer be applied to him. It made him want to cry.

"I'm so sorry... I love you so much" he could feel the tears fall down his cheeks. Your face paled, worried for him. "Please tell me, love." you begged. He let a small sob echo through his throat.

"Im so sorry, baby..." He whispered, "I kissed Alana"

You dropped his hand and backed away from him, tears clouding your vision. "You kissed her?" You asked, dread filling your mind. He nodded sadly, watching you take a step away, wishing he could reach out to hold you. He walked towards you, trying to think of something- anything- he could say that would secure your relationship together but nothing came to mind.

Your face was everything he needed to realise that this was most likely the end of him and you. You looked broken and that in turn broke him. He hated that he was the cause of your anguish all because of a stupid decision he made to kiss another woman.

You said nothing, but turned and walked into the bedroom you shared.  He felt his heart plummet when he saw you pull out a suitcase and begin sorting your clothes into it. All he could do was watch with wide, teary eyes as you zipped it up.

"P-please... don't leave," he pleaded and grasped your hand as you approached the front door, "I love you. I'm lost without you. I can't even make pancakes properly without you" you shrugged your hand out of his.

"Well maybe you should have thought it through when you decided to kiss Dr Bloom, Mr Graham" your voice was cold and it made him flinch when you avoided saying his first name.

You gave him one last fleeting glance before mumbling, "I'll be back with Beverly to collect my other things tomorrow".  She shut the door quietly behind her and he broke down on the floor, pulling his knees to his chest and whimpering.

Hannibal Lecter 

You were growing frustrated. For about an hour and a half, you had been waiting for Hannibal to return home from work. You had made dinner for you both and it was most likely cold by now.

'Where is he?' At that though, the front door opened with a loud thud. He walked in, soaking wet from the rain and looked at you with a smile. You didn't smile back but instead tossed him a towel from the airing cupboard. "You're over an hour late, Hannibal" you told him. His face held no emotion as he walked into the kitchen.

You bit back a growl. How could he be so polite but still blow you off? "I made dinner about an hour ago so it's probably cold " he turned to look at you, still stone faced and set the towel down before traipsing toward you. 

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