You tell them you're pregnant

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Will Graham 

You sat eagerly on the sofa, waiting for your husband, Will to return home from work. In your hands was a small paper bag, crumpled under your excessive nervousness. 

You hadn't told will because you didn't want or get his hopes up but you had missed your period and had been feeling nauseous in the morning's. Today you had finally worked up the courage to check...


You weren't scared that Will would react badly as you had been trying for a while already. But that didn't make telling him any easier. Would he freak out? Would he faint? What if he had a panic attack???

Before you could plummet deeper into your pool of worries, the knob on the front door jingled, showing that someone was sure to arrive.

Will stepped over the threshold, a frown on his perfect face. However one he saw you, it morphed into a smile. His eyes flicked down to your lips as you approached him, hands behind your back. He placed a short, sweet kiss you your lips and then wrapped an arm around your shoulders, bringing you back to the sofa.

He sunk into the plush cushions and you perched on his knee, placing the bag on the coffee table. His left eyebrow arched curiously. "What's that, honey?" He asked as a playful smile played on his lips.

As he reached out his hand to grab it you pulled it away and smirked. "A present for my wonderful husband" you smiled lovingly at him. He chuckled lightly. "So does that mean I get to have it or are you just gonna tease me?" He joked snatching the back from your hand. You rolled your eyes. "You can have what's in the bag but you might need to wait a while for the actual present, Will"

He looks at you with a hint of confusion and proceeds to open the bag, pulling out a small rectangular box and a little photo album. His confusion only seems to grow at seeing the album. As he unties the ribbon you bite your lip. 

Off came the top of the box and just under a layer of thin paper, sat a pregnancy test. He snatched it from the box and examined it, an unreadable expression present. As soon as he saw the two lines though, a grin broke out on his face.

"We're having a baby?" He asked, eyes smiling and clouding with happy tears. You held his face with your hands and brought his face to you, kissing his nose gently. His arms wrapped gently around you, holding to flush against his chest.

"We're gonna have a baby, Will! Our baby!" You cried happily into his neck and he leant his head on yours.

Hannibal Lecter 

Hannibal knew something was wrong. He knew there was something happening inside of her. He could smell the change. She didn't just smell like her... He could smell himself. That wasn't an uncommon occurance, considering they made love frequently, but this was strange, it had been over a week, courtesy of his busy schedule and her own focus upon the new book she was reading, and the smell hadn't faded in the slightest. 

'Perhaps it's just because we sleep close together' he pondered, watching his wife out of the corner of his eye. She was laid out on the sofa in the most delectable way possible. She only wore her satin nightdress. It's neckline was a deep, plunging v and the hem was raising up her long legs while she read. 'No. That can't be it. We have always slept like that'

He didn't know what was wrong. Or if it was even 'wrong'. But the way their smells melted together made him feel comforted. The more he mulled over the rethought, the more possibilities he thought of.

'Perhaps it is just that we spend so much time together. or maybe it could be that she is wearing something of mine ' that seemed like it could be it but it didn't feel like it was. It was true that she loved to go to work in his ties or wear one of his shirts to bed occasionally but it was so much more that that. It didn't smell like it was on the surface... it felt deeper than that to him, like it was coursing through her veins. 

As though she could sense his eyes on her, she turned to face him, giving him a seductive smile. "Han, come here." He voice was still so beautiful to him, just like the first time he saw her. He arose from his seat and crossed the living room to her. She spread her legs, allowing him to lay between them. "What's wrong, my darling?" She asked him.  He debated with himself, wondering if he should Rick worrying her. "Nothing you just smell different" she smirked at him. He narrowed his eyes in return of her expression. She knew something he didn't. Now that was rare, ofcourse she knew things he didn't but she always told him about anything that involved her. "Hmm... I wonder why" she had a smug smirk on her red lips.

In any other situation he would find it extremely seductive, but right now he was still worried about her health. "Tell me" he ordered softly. She shook her head cockily. She knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt her so she wanted to tease him. "Tell you what?" She asked innocently. He had just had enough of her game and decided to take the matter into his own hands, beginning to look over her body, groping and squeezing just to make sure there was no problems.

Her top half was completely fine but the smell got stronger as he went south. Soon enough, he got to the skin that would be covering her cervix and womb. The sweet scent was powerful and he had gained an IIdea of what was occurring inside of her.

He looked back up at her and placed a tender kiss to her abdomen. "You knew. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, watching her reaction closely. 

"I was curious of what would happen" she smirked, pulling him up for a kiss. She guided his hand to her tummy, where the smell was radiating from. He could feel it.

He could feel his baby inside of her. The thought made him smile like he never had before. There was a part of him in a part of her that was growing like a beautiful flower from his seed and her soil.

"You worried me. I thought something was wrong" he said, his fingers tracing patterns on her stomach. 

"I would have told you but I thought I may never get a chance like this ever again."

He sent her a questioning gaze. "The chance to make Dr Hannibal Lecter  flustered" she moaned into his ear when he pulled her onto his lap, holding her against his knee.

"Lets not forget, sweetheart, that I can make you do it quicker", he smirked gently guiding her hips against his knee, almost like he was making her ride it.

Frederick Chilton 

He felt something was up when he noticed her not in bed with him that morning. The sounds of her wrenching up the previous night's meal was enough for him to come running to her aid.

There she was, kneeling over the toilet, completely naked and throwing up. He crouched down beside her, holding her hair back and rubbing her shoulder soothingly. 

He was wondering what could have caused the bout of sickness that morning and felt his heart skip a beat at the idea he had thought up.

It had been two days and each time the sickness would disappear and reappear each morning.

"Baby. I think we need to take a test." He suggested, once again holding her hair back. She nodded, her face still over the bowl.

Later that day, he returned, arms full of groceries and a smaller pharmacy bag in his hand. He gave her a reassuring smile and set the groceries on the kitchen workbench and then walked with her to the bathroom. 

You took a test and he waited outside for you to finish. "Wanna wait in here with me?" His head perked up at that and he gently pushed the door open.

She looked so beautiful, he thought. He slid his back down the bathroom wall and gestured for her to sit with him. She softly landed in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.  The moments ticked my like second and before either really knew it, they were staring at the back of the pregnancy test.

"I love you", he assured her, giving her a small peck on her temple.

"I love you more"

Slowly, they turned it over, not daring to look just yet. She hesitantly opened her eyes and gasped.

Positive, she was pregnant

He followed suit and also let out a gasp. He rubbed her hand gently.

"I'll love them too. Forever, I promise"

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