Soulmate (H.L)

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This one-shot is for @1-800-bad-hxbits

I had a lot of fun writing this so thank you for being my first official request :)


The sky was an inky black that seemed to go on endlessly as he drove, hands clenched on the steering wheel. There was no radio, just the lonesome sound of steady breathing. His dark, dangerous maroon eyes were trained solely on the straight tarmac that rolled out in front of him, almost like he was glaring in silent offence.

The road lit up in a blazing light as the rain steadily spewed from the stormy clouds above.

At first, there was silence and then a yelp from outside. He slowed the car all while perusing the bushes on either side. There was the silhouette of someone as they staggered away from the cornfield. The lights of his car, however, were much too bright for him to see the actual person. The car came to a complete stop before he finally exited. He switched off the front lights and cautiously approached the shadow.

Whether he was electing to help was being debated within his head. Perhaps if they were gracious, he'd drop them off somewhere helpful... and if they weren't- he'd have the easiest hunt imaginable.

Without the lighting he could just about make out a face; she was pretty, with (h/l) hair and long legs. Mind you he couldn't see her in much detail but he was guessing that she was unclothed.

"Miss, are you ok?" She turned away to peer into the field of crops and let out a terrified shriek before jolting back towards him. She could hardly stay upright and ended up tripping to the floor. The rusty smell gave him a strongly enforced feeling that she'd scraped her legs deeply.

She let out a strangled sob before managing to pull herself back up. He held a hand out to her, using the other to turn his phone's torch on. Aided by the glare, he could now see her face. She had large, scared (e/c) eyes and plump lips that were pulled back into a sharp frown. He didn't dare shine the light any further that her collar bone for he had decided she was in fact naked.

Her hands were shaking and bloody but felt strange on his own. "Miss, what's wrong?" He asked voice laced with his Danish accent. She didn't say anything but pointed towards the field. There was a narrow opening, which he assumed she had come from but it seemed different.

Upon closer inspection, he could see the faint outline of a shotgun cartridge.

He shrugged off his coat and placed it over her delicate shoulders before ushering her to the passenger side door.


During the ride, she was silent and shaking against the window on an axis. He tried his hardest but there was such a strong scent from such a small fall that he knew there must be another wound on her somewhere. He looked her side over, trying to let her keep as much of her dignity as he could before he saw the flayed skin of her hip and right thigh. It was red and raw and looked as though it was pulled off with wax or ductape.

He wasn't stupid, he now knew what was going on. He'd found a survivor and now he had a choice to make. Does he save her or does he kill her? If he were to save her, she'd talk of her captor and in turn, he might know of him...

But if he were to kill her, he'd remain just as undetected as before.

He still wasn't sure though.


She rolled her head to watch him as the car rolled to a halt. Her bloody face seemed to stalk him, watching as he stepped out from the car. His broad body moved fluently before stopping in front of the passenger door. It opened and he pulled her out gently and wrapped an arm securely around her waist to steady he as they walked to the door of his home. Her arms were fixed to the sides of his coat to cover as much of herself as she could.

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