'Til Death do us part (h.l)

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This was it...

He knew it. You knew it. He knew you knew it. They were closing in on you and you knew there was no escape. No matter were you went, he knew they'd follow you both.

He could practically hear the sirens blaring from the kitchen in which you both stood. There was so much more he wanted to share with you and now, it was all over. Your years of playing family were done and now all that was left was the destruction around you both.

He turned away from you, silently walking over to the counter. Why wouldn't he say anything? Why wouldn't he tell you what he planned on doing?

"where are you going, Hannibal?!" You screamed, panic clear in your shaking voice. Your heart fell when he turned around. In his hand was a long, sharp steak knife that glinted dangerously in the subtle glow of the stove light. His eyes were dark and glassy, like a mirror as he approached.

"You know as well as I that the know. And that I'm with going to die or be incarcerated for life. It's your choice how this goes"

He took a deep breath, feeling a tear slowly roll over his cheek bone. You sobbed at him. How could anyone chose one of those options?

"We both know if I get taken away, I'll never touch you again. I'll never hold you or kiss you as a husband should." His voice was deep and melancholy as he place a free hand on your cheek.

"if I'm going to die, Hannibal... I want to die in your arms. You promised you'd never leave me." He pulled you closer to his chest, head above yours and placed a sweet kiss on the top of your head.

He could feel your hand oh his wrist of the hand that held the knives. He knew you'd chosen, but how could he bring himself to hurt you. That's when a thought hit him.

You didn't have to die that way. He pulled away and walked to a locked drawer. He turned the key and opened it, picking up a number of morphine injections. You looked at him, shaking in unsure anticipation. 

"What are we going to do?" you asked hesitantly, still crying. He took your hand and kissed your cheek gently.

"We're going to get down on the floor... And I'm going to hold you."He could say the rest but you knew what he meant. You nodded, sinking to the floor on your knees.

He wiped away a tear and did the same, pulling you onto his chest as he fell back onto the marble floor. It was almost as cold as you both would be soon.

You didn't fight him as he moved your (h/c) hair away from your neck and you didn't fight him when he placed the syringe there either. You gripped his shirt tightly as he pushed it hard enough to break the skin. He could hear your breath hitch and he almost stopped before remembering why you were doing this.

He tried to focus on your face, how your eyes rolled back as the drug entered your blood and how you smiled at him as if he were an angel. You looked relaxed now so his hand switched syringes, moving it to his own.

Suddenly there was a calmness to the blue world. When he was beside you like this he felt like he was human. somehow he knew he was less than human. What man would kill the only thing in his life that made the link between monster and man? 

You sighed, resting your head on his suit and wrapping your arms around his waist. You could smell his cologne and it felt comforting.

You both knew what came next but no one wanted to say it.

He gently clasped your arm, bringing it to his lips and kissing your wrist. You closed your eyes and hid your face in his chest. You couldn't feel the lacerations that he was making up your arms but you knew it was done when he placed another kiss to your wrist. Seven thin slits snaked up your right arm like a ladder. 

He looked up from your wound and smiled sadly. Your blood was sweet just like every time you'd made love but now it held a heavy weight in his chest. You watched with wet eyes as the blade flew across his own skin, pulling up slightly like a peice of meat. He made an extra for good measure but it wouldn't have added much since it was farther up the arm.

He could hardly feel it. It felt cold, like ice but it was lingering like a wound it salt water.

He entwined his hand with yours, watching as the blood pooled on the floor between you in fast waves. His grip was tight as if he was scared to let go.

"Hannibal. I love you. I've loved you since i met you" your voice was light like air and you brought his hand to your quivering lips, kissing each knuckle sweetly, blood oozing onto your shirt.

He looked at you with half lidded, tired eyes. In any other situation he would have enjoyed the view but the air in the room was heavy with misfortune. "You're so beautiful, my lamb. I've loved you since I met you but I was yours before I even knew it"

You could both feel the weight of blood loss upon your chests. Your vision was blurry and bright but you felt like you could still see him like a Polaroid. 

There was a loud gang against the locked doors and he knew what it was. He didn't care at this point. You were too far gone already and he was sure to follow by the time they broke through. His eyes were going funny but he could see that your face was draining of colour. 

For the last moments of your life, you used all your remaining strength to pull his face closer. He shifted slightly and caught your lips in a desperate kiss. His lips were chapped but that didn't matter all you needed was to feel him one last time before you left.

Even in his delirious state, he felt like he was back in the opera, listening to your voice. He rested his head on yours, monitoring your breath.

There was a breath, 

and then another

 and then another slightly shorter one.

Then there was none

His heart sank and he squeezed your hand, hoping for a response. The was none. He'd hoped he'd get another moment with your before you left. He didn't even have that long.

He could feel himself shutting down, breath getting shallower as the booming on the door got louder.

It felt so cold. And he felt so tired laying there. He closed his eyes, waiting for the embrace of your soul.


the double doors blasted open and Crawford stepped in, armed men behind him. His jaw clenched as his eyes set on the two bodies on the floor surrounded by blood. Their hands were twisted together with a head of (h/c) hair on his chest.

The Chesapeake ripper's chest to be precise with his head resting on hers.

Both were silent as if asleep and if there was no blood you would think they were. Their eyes were closed and they looked content together.

Beside the man was two syringes of morphine and a sharp blade. 

Crawford couldn't believe the ripper got away and what's worse; he took an angel down to he'll with him.

He stomped towards them and crouched down to see both faces. His lips were wet, and he ran a peice of tissue over them. 


" 'Til death do us part, huh" he whispered. Yes he'd done a lot of bad things to people but, he'd had compassion to die with you as an equal.

In that moment Jack knew, 

He was human.

He was human all along...


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