Waking up together

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Will Graham 

Since Will has nightmare sometimes, it means you might wake up to him sleepwalking away but if it's just a normal morning, usually he wakes up first. He's extremely good at not waking you when he walks on the floorboards and even when showering he does a good job to make sure you are comfortably asleep. If when he comes back in after showering and shaving you are still asleep, then lay back down with you, wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your chest while playing with your hair.

He knows when you're away because when he lies on you, you rake your fingers through his fluffy, wet hair. Once he knows you're awake, he gives you a loving wake-up kiss before you both get up and walk down to the kitchen.

You normally make breakfast together. You'd make the pancake batter because he usually forgets ingredients and he'd cook them because you usually burn them.

Basically you guys Are a great team together but suck on your owns. 

After you finish cooking, you both sit down on the sofa and eat together. Since you both work in the same building there no different call in times, which means you always carpool with him. 

Hannibal Lecter 

Most of the time, you wake up first so you make sure to turn his alarm off. In the half hour you have before he normally awakens, you lay out a fresh suit after ironing it. During the winter you make sure to iron them closer to when he wakes up so they're nice and warm when he gets dressed. When the time comes when his alarm would have rung, you coax him from his sleep by singing quietly in his ear.

He wakes up relitively quick when you do this and he always appreciate the effort you put in to make sure he awakens pleasantly. To return the favour, after getting dressed in his freshly pressed suit, he will cook breakfast for you both, make sure that your house and car keys are in the bowl by the door and make sure you don't forget anything you'll need for your day at work. 

Ideally, he would want to drive you to work so you could spend as much time together as possible but he understands that would complicate your delicate morning routine.

As you both get ready to leave for work, he puts your coat on for you, kisses your forehead and hands you the lunch he made before parting from you.

Freddie Lounds 

Usually, both of you wake up considerably earlier than your alarms and just lay in bed talking and cuddling. When the alarm goes off, you both get up, share the shower, dry yourselves the get dressed. Sometimes, if you're feeling playful you'll do each others make-up and outfit.

You both also don't tend to cook in the morning's so you just eat cereal while watching the news or a programme you both like. 

Normally you are in more of a rush to make it to your job as a university lecturer than she is so, you tend to make her lunch with a sweet note and find that she made you yours last night.

Come lunch time, you see that she left you a note too.

Frederick Chilton 

Frederick isn't much of a morning person, so it takes a while to get him up but after that, he normally doesn't need to do much as he prepared the night before.

While he gets dressed and does his hair, you are already clothed and plating up breakfast for you both. Since he isn't really into mornings, you make him a mug of coffee, which he really appreciates.

When he walks into the kitchen, you normally find yourself fixing his slightly offcenter tie. You both eat standing up at the counter before needing to leave, neither of you really know why you do it, but it just became a habit for you two.

Before leaving for work, you exchange a short kiss and you run a hand quickly through his hair, toussling it slightly before leaving him with a kiss to his jaw bone.

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