Flying High (Hiccup x Jack Frost)

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Hiccup X Jack Frost

Don't ask me why I thought of this. It's a cute ship and technically could work...maybe...idk leave me alone aha


The cool breeze swept over Hiccup's face as he soared high above the clouds. Toothless cooed in joy occasionally trying to lick the clouds which Hiccup thought was absolutely adorable.

The burden his father places on him is too much to bare sometimes. Preparing to be chief is stressful beyond belief. His only relief is his dragon. Able to fly away from his problems quite literally.

They were god knows how far from berk when Toothless decided he was bored. He landed on a nearby sea stack that was covered in a thin layer of ice.

"Really Bud. You had to choose the icy one. They is a perfectly dry one over there." Hiccup laughed as he scratched his dragon under his jaw.

A crack of ice sent the pair on high alert, Toothless whipping his tail Infront of Hiccup defensively.

Hiccup scoured the landscape for any signs of life and was met with the most perculiar sight. A young boy, no older that Hiccup himself, was crouching in a tree staring at Toothless with curiosity. His hair was pure white, eyes icy blue. Hiccup's heart sped up at the sight of the boy.

"Hello." Hiccup called and the boy nearly fell out the tree.

As he regained balance tendrils of silver frost wrapped itself around the tree as if by magic.

"How are you doing that?" Hiccup asked in awe.

The boy twiddled his thumbs and moved to a more comfortable position in the tree.

"It's a long story."

"I've got time." Hiccup stated, settling down and leaning back on a now dozing Toothless. The boy smiled at him and launched into a story.


"So let me get this right. You fell in a lake whilst playing with your younger sister and 'died'. Then the man in the moon saved you and turned you into Jack Frost and you can command the wind and create ice and snow."

"Yeah that pretty much sums it up." Jack said with a laugh, still sitting lazily in the tree playing with his staff. Jack tears his eyes of the staff for one second only to be distracted by Hiccup's adorable smile. He fell out the tree with a thud.

Hiccup burst out laughing, waking his dragon as he did so. Toothless growled at Jack, seemingly blaming him for his rude awakening.

"Can I let him? He's adorable." Jack said, rubbing his backside as he clambered of the frostbitten floor.

"Of course. Give me your hand." Jack smirked again making Hiccup blush. "Not in that way. Do you want him to bite your hand off!"

Jack shook his head and extended his hand for Hiccup to grab. Carefully Hiccup lowered Jack's hand so Toothless could sniff it. In record time the nightfury was nuzzling into the boys hand affectionately.

"He likes you." Hiccup stated with a loving smile.

"I like him too." Jack laughed, scratching the top of the dragon's head. He gurgled with pleasure making Jack laugh softly.

His laugh seemed to call the slightest breeze, chilling Hiccup to the bone.

"Sorry, sometimes I don't have complete control." Jack apologized, offering his tattered cloak to Hiccup who graciously accepted.

They sat and watched the sky for a while, every so often making small talk. They couldn't explain what they were feeling, but they didn't want it to end. So naturally when Hiccup announced he must be going Jack groaned in annoyance.

"You can come with me if you like. I would love to introduce you to my friends back on berk." Hiccup offered, green eyes full of hope. Jack didn't have the heart to decline so he nodded and climbed onto Toothless after Hiccup.

Truthfully he could have flown alongside the dragon, but he wanted to be closer to the boy he has grown so close to.

They rode in silence enjoying the others presence. When Berk was in sight Jack gasped at its beauty. He was so used to the tiny sea stacks which many moons ago used to be small islands. But Berk was nothing like those. It was huge, with towering mountains and vast forests, surrounding a tightly packed village. The setting sun cast an orange hue over the island making it look enchanting.

"Wow." Jack breathed, subconsciously resting his head on Hiccup's shoulder.

"Wow indeed." Hiccup replied trying his best not to turn red. Toothless gurgled as if laughing at his friend's awkwardness. Hiccup gave him a small slap, which shut him up quickly.

They landed outside his house just as the sun slipped below the sea. Very few people were out at this time, so Jack would have to wait till morning to meet his friends.

Hiccup opened the door and was swarmed by people, bombarded with endless questions.

Okay maybe not.

"Woah woah woah. One at a time people." Hiccup shouted over the commotion. His friends took a breath and allowed his father, Stoik, to speak.

"Son you have been gone an entire day. We were worried sick abou- who on god's green earth is this?" All eyes snapped to Jack who, unused the the attention, shyed behind Hiccup.

"This is Jack. I met him on a patrol, he didn't have anywhere else to go so I offered to take him here." Hiccup said, you know like a liar.

Jack was actually pretty impressed with Hiccup's quick thinking. Not that it was all a lie. For all he knew they had met whilst Hiccup was in patrol.

"Well okay then. Anyway as I was saying..." Stoik went of on a rant, which as usual Hiccup tuned out of. He shot the occasional bored glance at Jack who stifled his laughter. No one noticed. Except Astrid.

When the rant had finally finished he dismissed the kids and allowed them to go to the Great hall to get some well deserved food.

The twins, Snotlout and Fishlegs walked with Jack, happily talking away and giving a brief tour of the village. Hiccup stated back gazing fondly at the silver haired boy.

"So why is he really here Hiccup?" Astrid spoke scaring the life out of hiccup.

"What do you mean?" He lied, again

"You know what I mean. You have never looked at someone the way you look at him. What's going on." Astrid was slightly hurt that her best friend wouldn't confide in her.

"I dont know Astrid. It's... confusing."

"Well I am here when your ready." Astrid said with a smile, jogging ahead to talk to Jack. Hiccup saw her whisper something to Jack, who turned around worriedly. Hiccup smiled and waved him back around, not wanting him to see his inner strife.

This was all so new. So different and Hiccup didn't know how to handle it.


Part two coming soon!!

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