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FRIDAY rerouted the chopper's location so that it would bring them to the HYDRA base in Siberia, where Steve and Barnes would be. Natasha was skimming the SHIELD reports she released a couple of years prior for any additional insights. Tony was checking the specs of his suit. 

"What's your game?" Natasha looked up from her hologram.

"Talk," Tony shrugged. "Once they see that I'm there to apologize shouldn't they let up?"

Natasha pursed her lips as she thought about it. "I'm not sure," she said honestly. "There's a lot of history between Steve and Barnes, and you know damn well Steve's not going to stop protecting him. So, just try to go in with an open mind."

Tony accepted her answer, simply nodding as he turned back to his suit. FRIDAY announced their descent, and he took a deep breath as he mentally prepared himself for what was to come.

"Good luck, Tony," Natasha patted him on the back. "You call me if you need help, alright?"

"Aye, aye, Captain," Tony mock saluted with a smirk. Natasha simply rolled her eyes. 

Natasha watched him walk off and in the corner of her eye, she saw the Black Panther suit and started walking towards him.

"Your Heinous," Natasha gave a polite nod. "I assume you have reached the same consensus of Mr. Stark and I."

"I have," T'Challa nodded. "Is there a reason you are waiting out here alone?"

"Some personal histories limit my usefulness in this particular instance," she vaguely answered. "I'm only here to intervene when absolutely necessary."

"Respectable," T'Challa praised. 

Meanwhile, inside the base, Steve and Bucky could hear the creaking of a door. They turned the corner to find Tony in the Iron Man suit.

"You seem a little defensive," Tony deadpanned.

"It's been a long day," Steve agreed.

"At ease, Soldier. I'm not here to arrest you."

"Then why are you here?" Steve cocked an eyebrow. 

"Could be your story's not so crazy," Tony shrugged.


"Ross has no idea we're here. I'd like to keep it that way," Tony added.

"We?" Steve pressed, somewhat defensive.

Tony cursed himself under his breath, but couldn't help being curious how Barnes would react. "Romanoff."

Barnes did not break his silence and calculated stare, but he could not help his guilt after hearing that name. You could have least recognized me.

"Cap, I got heat signatures," Tony broke the silence.

"How many?" Steve started scanning the room.

"Uh, one," Tony started doing the same.


 "He's my friend".

"So was I".

Tony couldn't believe Steve. He knew his old friend killed his parents, his mom, and never bothered to tell him. And to think he came to make peace. Sure, Bucky was brainwashed, but he had the right to know before. He was blinded by anger and attacked Steve, and then Bucky. The fight escalated and everyone was weakened. Bucky's metal arm had been broken, Steve was getting tired and was bleeding, and Tony's armor was starting to break. They still continued to fight, Steve trying to protect Bucky and Tony fought filled with rage, frustration, and betrayal. 

Eventually, Bucky was down and couldn't fight anymore. Steve was on top of Tony, slamming his shield into his armor. He ripped off the mask, and held his shield high. He saw the genuine fear in Tony's eyes as he raised his shield. Tony instinctively covered his face with his hands as Steve slammed the shield into his arc reactor shutting down almost every system his suit and breaking his heart. After a quick breather, Steve got up and supported Bucky so they could get out of the facility.

"My father made that shield," Tony gasped. "You don't deserve it".

Steve dropped the shield with a loud crash and continued on, leaving Tony alone. 


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