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Kaliah Iman
December 24, 2020
Los Angeles, Ca

"Hey baby" I smiled at dave once the FaceTime connected

"What's up bubs did you get my gifts" he said sitting his phone up and started lighting a blunt making me chuckle cause it's early af but in New York it's actually like 10.

"Yes but I wanted to open them on FaceTime with you" I said "did you get mine— I snuck them on your jet I told bully to give em' to you" I said as he shook his head "Nah— bully" he yelled "Where my gifts at cuz"

"They in the living room ayy mom said we got to be at her house no later than 7:30pm" he said "hey sis"

"Hey big bull what's up how's New York treating you" i asked as Dave stood up "ima go get the gifts" he said

"It's good ready to eat all the holiday food though" he said looking at Dave's phone since he left to get the gifts "ugh same—"

"Alright I'm back get the fuck out my room" dave said making me laugh at his rude ass. Bully said bye to me and walked out then dave got back in the camera "you did not have to get me all this" he said making me chuckle

"Yes I go first" I said getting excited

"You want me to open any first than the other or what" he asked


"Aight so after me you then we just alternate turns yeah" he asked

"Yeah we'll do it" I said

"Yooo these fire mamas thank you" he said lift in g them up giving them a better look "damn"

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"Yooo these fire mamas thank you" he said lift in g them up giving them a better look "damn"

I smiled "ok ok my turn". He shook his head laughing at me "don't open that one on your left till the end" he said making me look to see it was decent sized one hmm.

"Daveeeee omggggg this shit is so pretty"

"Daveeeee omggggg this shit is so pretty"

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I pouted "I love it omg thank you bubba"

"You welcome my tune now" he chuckled grabbing another random box this time the biggest one "that one  goes with like 2 other boxes" I said as he looked for the boxes I was talking about "that one... anddd that one yeah" I pointed out

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