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I'ma let y'all in on a little secret...

I accidentally updated yesterday thinking it was Saturday✋🏽😣🤣 stop. don't laugh at me...

Quarantine got me all fvcked up I swear someone said tmrw was Saturday and I was shook af

Sooo i left the chapters up but I was this close |  | to unpublishing them but y'all was showing love so I didn't want to do that🥺

Ok enough ranting about my dumbass mistake... I apologize but back to normal broadcasting👀🥴😭😭😭😭 -A
Dave East
December 6, 2020
Los Ángeles, Ca

"You good" bully came up to me as I walked out of my office "yeah yeah I think ima go home though I didn't want to leave Kaliah here on her own but I had somone take her home and I'm just over today need to take my ass to sleep" I said

"Damn so you really mad huh" he asked. I shook my head "nah I mean i guess I don't even know i just know I don't want to be around her right now" I said tiredly

He laughed "damn she really had you in yo feelings"

I pushed him back a little "get the fuck out I'm going home" I said walking away from his bitch ass.

I walked out and saw Zach was back from taking jaláis parked and waiting for me. "What's up East" he spoke

"Nothing just tired" I slid my head back on the seat. I grabbed my phone looking at my notifications.

Bubs🌍💙: i love you so so much and I'm sorry🥺 I feel like shit you know I love you with my whole heart and I shouldn't have pranked you like that even though I thought it'd be funny ... it backfired and I real all hurt your feelings and that's something I really didn't intend to do I thought we would laugh about it after 2:31am

Bubs🌍💙: but i take accountability and i hope you feel comfortable talking to me again soon I love you bubba ♥️ with my whole heart you da only one for me fa eva n eva 😘😘😘 2:35am

I didn't reply. I just feel played as fuck. for a minute i really thought she meant everything she was saying. When I say I love this girl I love this so to hear those words coming out of her mouth prank or not you can't except to just be ok with it.

I ain't even the type to be in my feelings like this bout nobody but Kaliah just different.

Kaliah Iman
December 6, 2020
Los Angeles, Ca


"I don't think he's going to reach out to you and honestly you should be the one reaching out to him" she said

"Cause y'all ain't a YouTube couple that forgive and forget or even fake their pranks... you actually pranked him like he really thought you were done with him" she said seriously

"Yeah you're right I don't even know what to do" I mumbled

"I mena your already up early af I don't even know why cause you don't have a early job but bitch just go to his house do something nice for him give him some head I don't know" she chuckled

"You know what that's a good idea... at what time do you go in" I asked knowing I was probably holding her up "I go in at 8:30 but knowing traffic I need to leave at 7 but I'm ready I jsut need to eat something" she mumbled with a yawn

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