- Gifts -

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-Kazuichi's POV-
What's tan thinking on doing? I mean, we're only watching a movie.
I should get into the shower now.
Kazuichi leaves the classroom and runs to the cabin, leaving Gundham alone in the classroom. "Would he even like the present? Should I even give it to him?" Gundham asks himself. Then, he gets a notification.
-My dark prince 💖-
Tannnnnn! I'm out of the shower! Come back so we can watch the movie!
I'm coming back right now. I have a surprise for you.
What's the surprise?! I wanna know!
You have to wait till I get back.
I don't wanna wait, but I guess I have to. Be quick!!
I'm almost back.
Gundham quickly runs back to the cabin. He walks in and kazuichi runs up to him. "What's the surprise??" Kaz asks. "I'll get it for you." Gundham replies, he kisses kazuichi's forehead and goes over to a closet. "Close your eyes" Gundham says, hiding something behind his back. Kazuichi closes his eyes and Gundham puts a gift in his hands. "You can open your eyes now, my dark prince." Gundham says. Kazuichi opens his eyes and sees a brand new tool box in his hands. "O-Oh my god!" Kazuichi's eyes fill up with tears. He puts the toolbox on the table and opens it. So many new tools are inside of it. Tears flow down the mechanics face. "Do you like it, my dark prince?" Gundham asks. "I-I love it so much" kazuichi replies, he hugs his lover. "I love it. But, not as much as I love you" Kaz whispers, he hides his face in Gundham's chest. "I have a present for you also, I was gonna give it to you anyway. Come with me!" Kazuichi says, he pulls his lover for what feels like forever, until they get to a small pet shop. "Close your eyes! I'll lead you to the surprise!" Kaz says, excitedly. Gundham closes his eyes and his lover leads him into the pet shop, they walk past a bunch of puppies, then, they walk into a room.
Kazuichi let's go of Gundham's hand. "You can open your eyes now." Kaz whispers. Gundham opens his eyes then sees a little calico kitten sleeping in front of him. "That's a kitten.. I-is it ours..?" Gundham asks, tears start to fill up in Gundham's eyes. "Yeah. She's our new kitten! Do you like her?" Kaz asks. Tears flow down Gundham's face. "S-She's so cute and small!" The breeder says, picking up the kitten. "What do you wanna name her? We can name her anything you want!" The mechanic asks, he pets the kitten. "C-Could we name her Skittles?" Gundham asks. "I like that name." Kazuichi replies, putting the kitten on a cat bed, he takes Gundham's hands. "I love you so much, my dark prince." The breeder says, he kisses kazuichi. "I love you too, Tan." Kaz replies.
The two boys spend about 2 hours playing with the kitten. Once they're done, the boys go back to the cabin with kitten. Then, someone knocks on the door.

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