01 Murderer

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Faolan (FWAY-lahn) POV

I did it!... I finally did it... oh crap! I did it... I killed the Beta... I killed him! I'm dead! Sooooo dead!

"Dad! I'm home!" Desmond calls as he enters the house. "Dad!" He calls more panicked as he smells the blood.

I go to jump out the window of the Beta's bedroom as his son enters.

"Not so fast you runt!" He yells pulling me in by my collar.

"Please Desmond! I'll leave you'll never see me again!" I beg as he throws me on the ground.

"You killed my father and you think I'll let you go!?" He screams.

"Please! you know what he's been doing! You know what he's like! Please Desmond!" I beg.

"You're just pathetic! You couldn't take it so you killed him!" He screams kicking my ribs.

"Please!" I sob curling myself into a ball. "He deserved it!"

"You little!" He growls diving on top of me claws extended. I realize I'm still holding the knife I used on the Beta and turn it to his son sinking it into his heart.

"I'm... I'm sorry Desmond." I cry as I push him off of me.

I look at my hands and clothes covered in blood. Then I look to the half naked Beta, who's chest is soaked in his own blood, lying in his bed. Lastly to the Beta's son. I didn't mean to kill him but he's no better than his father. I've heard what he does to the younger girls in the pack. Like father like son I guess. I jump out of the window and run towards the woods. I get a few feet into the trees when I'm stopped.

"You really think it was gonna be that easy?" Emrick asks stalking up to me.

"You just ended the Beta line of this pack and you think I'm gonna let you run away?" He has a murderous gleam in his eye.

Emrick has always been cruel. I'm his favorite punching bag and I just killed his best friend. This is not going well for me.

"I didn't plan on killing Desmond." I tell him.

"No... just his father I'd guess but you're still gonna die today." He tells me.

He charges at me but I dodge. I try using the knife but he knocks it from my hand. In one last ditch effort I run. I run until I reach the cliffs and consider jumping. Is the water deep enough? I wonder.

"Do it!" Emrick taunts. "Save me the trouble."

"Please just let me leave! He deserved it! You know that! Every boy in this pack knows that!" I yell to him pleading.

"No. Not everyone knows that. Just a few. It's not my fault you couldn't take it. You are weak. Just jump and save me the hassle of dealing with your pathetic self." He tells me.

"You're the pathetic one! You didn't have the guts to stop him!" I respond.

Emrick growls charging at me. I side step him and he falls off the cliff. As he falls he grabs my leg pulling me off balance. I slip barley catching myself as my body hangs off the cliff.

"Help!" I yell holding on with one hand. "Help!" I scream. A man walks up to me but doesn't help. Instead he just stares at me. Another one of the patrols joins him. "Dad please help!" I call to him but he just looks away from me. Finally he comes. The Alpha. I gulp not even bothering to ask his help. I feel my hand slip and welcome the fall. Finally I will be at peace. This thought quickly evaporates as a hand catches hold of my wrist.

"What a mess you've made, Faolan." The Alpha growls.


"He killed my baby!" The Luna yells as the Alpha brings me into the pack house. "Kill him! Avenge my baby boy!"

"That's too good for him." The Alpha says throwing me on the floor. "Lock him in the cells!" He orders a warrior.

When I look to see who it is it breaks my heart. My father, head warrior, picks me up by my arm and drags me down to the cells.

"Dad." I say as he locks my cell.

"Why?" He asks disappointment clear in his face.

"The Beta... he... he deserved it... Desmond... it was self defense... and Emrick wasn't my fault." I defend myself.

"You killed the Beta in his bedroom! You have no defense for that! The other two came as a result of the first! How did you even get into his bedroom?" My father yells.

"He let me in... he use to call me over... frequently." I tell him.

"Yes I know he has been personally training you for years! He took you under his wing and you killed him! I can't even look at you." He says and turns to leave. "You are no son of mine."

As soon as the door closes the tears fall. I'm alone. No one cares. But I did the right thing. No one will convince me otherwise.

"We decided." The Alpha says as he enters two hours later. "We're taking you to the King."

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