Part 16 (trigger warning - suicide)

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Allison's POV: I wake up to Colby still asleep and I check my phone to see a missed call from my friend Courtney who lives in LA. I lift off of Colby and cover him with the blanket. I quickly get ready and as I walk out of the room I call Courtney back. "Hey girl long time no talk!" She says. "Hey C what's up." "I've just been really down lately...I'm getting back to where I was before." "C why didn't you call me?" I ask extremely concerned. " I felt like you didn't care about me didn't seem to ever text me." "C, I'm so sorry I made you feel like that but I care about you so much and I never want to lose you. You understand me." "It's too late Ali...I already took something." "Fuck C no." I yell. The line goes dead. "Fuck...Fuck...Fuck." Colby comes downstairs. "What happened. are you alright?" "No we need to go to Courtney's apartment right now she is trying to commit." He grabs his keys and we run out to his car and drive quickly to Courtney's. I run to the door and bang on it and it opens slightly...fuck Courtney no...She had done a lot of bad shit to people but she was still my best friend. She had an amazing heart but everyone in her life used her until that's all her reality was. I may have distant myself from her but that doesn't mean I don't care about her. "Please don't be too late...please...please." I hear Colby mumble. Is he not telling me something about him and Courtney. "This is my fault...I shouldn't have distant from her." "Hey this whole situation isn't your fault. Let's just find her." He says walking ahead of me. We checked the bathroom, living room, kitchen, bedroom. I reach the bedroom and I catch myself on the door frame. I feel a strong pair of hands on my waist as I let out a sob and run over to the bed. I ran over and check her pulse. Fuck....fuck...fuck. No. Courtney No. I'm freaking out. She is gone and it's on me. She's dead. I can't even breathe right now. Colby comes up behind me and I sob into his chest. "This isn't your fault baby girl." He says crying. Colby went over and check her wrist and neck to double check and as our eyes met I could see in his eyes that she was gone. I see a bottle of pills on the end table with an empty wine glass. "You aren't in anymore pain now." He says softly as he kisses her forehead. " do you-?" "We can talk about this later alright." He replies wiping his hands down his face and hugging me. Several people come into the room talking to each other. We answered some questions for the police and then left. I couldn't even function once we got to the car. My breathe came in short gasps, making my chest tighter by the minute. She didn't deserve this. "I'll never leave you...I love you always A" Those words rang in my head over and over. I thought about all of the memories we made together. I couldn't handle it. I fell into Colby's chest as I sit in the passengers seat. We stay like that for a few minutes until I finally calmed down. "We're gonna be alright Ali." He says softly. "How do you know her?" I ask as he starts to drive. "Courtney and I used to sort of go out." "So you dated my best friend and then tried to go on me and you didn't even have the audacity to tell me." "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I had to give you a history lesson for me to be able to sleep with you." "I'm not saying that...but I thought you didn't know her." "Allison I'm not having this conversation with you." "SHE JUST KILLED HERSELF COLBY YOU HAVE NO CHOICE NOW." "Ali, I'm not doing this with you right now...okay I fucking dated her I'm sorry I didn't feel entitled to fucking tell y-" "Colby watch out!"

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