𝚆𝚑𝚢 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙶𝚘𝚝 𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝚂𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚍 (𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚌 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚘𝚗)

772 14 24

"Alright, bye!" You say to your friend as you leave the café.

You walk out into the cold November air and pull your coat closer around your shoulders.

Your friend had just been grilling you about your boyfriend, Eric.

She thinks he treats you like garbage, like the trash you waited two weeks to take out.

You agree, but only somewhat.

"Eric is kind to me though." You had said.

"But he spends no time with you! He could be off seeing another girl, and you'd never know!"

"He's not!" You cry for the sixth time that night.

"You don't know that!" She said sipping her tea.

You shake your head and stop walking.

He was gone a lot, maybe he really was cheating.

No. Not Eric. He isn't the type to cheat.

Or is he?

You continued walking and stopped again outside you and Eric's house.

The lights were on, and the sound of his amplified guitar carried out into the street.

You open the door, and see him with his eyes closed on the couch, completely focused on his guitar.

This made you smile.

You loved watching him play.

You thought he was one of the best guitarists that had ever lived.

He finally stops playing and looks up.

"Oh hey, Y/N. You have a good day?"

You smile at him and nod. "It was pretty good."

"That's good to hear."

"Eric, can I ask you something?" You hadn't meant to say anything, it had slipped out.

"Anything, luv."

You set down your stuff and walked over to the couch to sit next to him.

"So I was talking to Marissa again, a-"

"Ugh, Marissa? You know she hates me!"

"I know! But she's convinced that you're cheating on me!"

Tears start flooding down your cheeks and Eric pulls you closer to him.

"Cheating on you? How could one even do that? I know I'm never around, but I'm trying to establish myself! When I do, I'm all yours, I swear."

"You say that every time though!" You sob.

Eric looks pained. "Look I'm sorry, what more do you want?"

"I want you to care, Eric!!"

"I do! But I just don't show it like a normal person!"

"You act like I'm just that thing you have to take care of on the side!"


"Don't deny it!"

Eric lowered his head. "I know I haven't been the ideal boyfriend, but I'll change for you! I will. I swear."

"It's too late for that." You stand up, still crying.

"Are you leaving?"


"Please..." He whispered.

"No, Eric. It's too late."

You walk out the door, leaving Eric sitting on the couch alone.

It's colder outside now, and the breeze makes you shiver.

Where am I going? You wonder as you wander down the street.

You find your feet taking you towards Marissa's house.

Not there! Your brain screams at you, knowing exactly what she would say.

You quickly change course and go to your parents house.

When you know on the door, your mother answers.

"Y/N! What a surprise! So good to see you here!" She recognized the tears in your eyes. "Oh dear, what the matter?" She asked pulling you into the warm house.

"What happened?" She asks you, after making tea.

You sigh. "It's Eric again. I've left him."

She gasps. "Left him? But I thought you liked him!"

"I do mom! I-I think I could've loved him too, he just-" Your voice breaks.

"What did he do?"

"Nothing. He didn't do anything!"

"Then why'd you leave?"

"I-" You thought.

Why did you leave?

He hadn't done anything particularly wrong except not be home all the time. But then again, we're you home all the time? No.

Nobody's perfect, especially not a up and coming musician.

You smile at your mother, and ask her if you can stay that night.

She takes you up to your old room and opens the door.

Hopefully Eric would forgive you.

You fell asleep, wanting to wake up early and find Eric again.

The next morning, just as the sun was rising, you got out of bed, write your mother a note and headed out the door.

You stood outside your house for a while, contemplating what you were going to say.

Finally, you pluck up the courage to open it and find Eric passed out on the couch, with his guitar laying in the floor next to him.

You grab a blanket and pull it over him and make a cup of tea.

As you watch him sleep, you remember all the good times you and Eric had together.

"Y/N? I though you left." Eric sat up rubbing his eyes.

"I did." You say quietly. "But I realized that you hadn't done anything wrong, and I'm hoping you'll take me back."

Eric smiles. "I have done a lot of wrong things, but asking you to be my girlfriend, was never one of them."

You smile back at him he gestures for you to join him on the couch.

As you both lay together on the couch, he whispers something to you that you'll never forget, "I think I just might love you, Y/N."

Hi guys🥰🥰
I'm in the process of writing some of your requests right now so here a little something wHilE yOu wAiT🥰🥰

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