𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚢 (𝙹𝚒𝚖 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗)

442 5 18

Jim checked into work early that day.

He had recently developed a crush on the the girl who worked aisle 5.

He worked with restocking so they didn't really cross paths much, but every time they had Jim had been struck with how gorgeous and confident she was.

His boss watched him walk across the store with a confused look on his face.

Jim kept his head down, but secretly felt excited that someone was actually paying attention to him.

He began to restock the produce section as the rest of the day shift piled in.

Most everyone had been partying last night, but Jim has stayed home and planned exactly what he was going to say to his crush today.

His crush's name was Lilianne.

She was tall and skinny, with straight, dark hair stretching down to her lower back.

She had soft features and a warm smile, but held herself with such conviction and dignity that it made Jim feel like a peasant bowing down to his master.

When Lilianne walked into work, she smiled at her friend that worked in restocking with Jim.

Jim's heart did a summersault.

Today he would talk to her. He knew it.

She never payed any attention to him, he didn't know why but he was determined to change it.

Jim smoothed his hair down and tried to figure something he could say to her.

Hi Lilianne! I'm Jim, and I'm totally in love with you!

He hook his breath and took a deep breath.

HE walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder. "Hey Lilianne, I was wondering if you were busy later this week or next week?"

"Who are you?" She asked coldy.

"Oh shit sorry, I'm Jim Morrison, I work in restocking."

"And you know me how?"

"We've worked together for five years..."

"Oh! Well yeah I'm always a little busy for guys like you."

"I- oh. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Jim said sadly.

"You should be." She flipped her hair around and Jim began to walk away.

He went to his boss and asked for the rest of the day off, and since Jim has never missed a day of work in five years the boss let him go.

He walked out into the parking lot and got into his car.

He thought of what he had done or said wrong.

There didn't seem to be anything.

He slammed his fist on his steering wheel and cursed.

He'd just blown any chance that he might've ever had with her.

He turned his car on and drove to the nearest bridge.

He got out of the car and looked down.

It was a long way down.

If only he was a fish.

A singular tear ran down his face.

He watched  it fall down to the lake far below him.

Maybe I'm better off where that tear had just gone.  He thought.

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