𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚐 (𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗 𝙿𝚊𝚞𝚕 𝙹𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜)

402 8 7

You sigh and get into your car.

Your boss had just given the promotion to a second year employee at work.

You were especially mad this year because you had been working for this promotion for almost 6 years now.

And the fact that Dave, who had only been working there for a little less than two years, got the promotion and not you, made you mad.

It was pouring when you had gotten to the door of the office building.

"Ugh this day couldn't get any worse." You grumbled as you ran out of the building.

You always forget to lock your car doors when you got into work, and when you tried to open the door today, it was locked.

"Ugh!" You felt like a pouting child.

But nonetheless you sigh and get into your car, sopping wet.

The drive home is soggy.

It doesn't stop raining, which makes you even more frustrated.

Hopefully John had a better day than me. You think spitefully.

You think about your husband, John, home all alone with your two daughters.

I wonder what they're doing...

You pull into the drive way of your house and run into the house quickly.

You burst into the door and find no one there.

He must've taken the girls out.

You go and take off the wet clothes that were hanging on your skinny frame and put on warmer, dry clothes.

You peek out the window and see that John's car is still here.

This puzzles you, so you walk back into the kitchen and look out the window to the back yard.

There you see your two young daughters rolling in a puddle, laughing their heads off.

Then you see John, jumping around the yard, scooping up the girls and running them around in the rain.

You smile as John slips in a puddle and he and the girls splash into the muddy water.

His usually blonde-ish hair is now a brown color, and the girls clothes have been reduced to a filthy gray color.

But seeing John run around with the girls in the rain, laughing and enjoying each other company.

John spots you watching them from the window and waves.

You wave back, forgetting all of your work troubles.

The girls see this and the youngest one screams, "Daddy look! Mommy's home!" And comes sprinting towards the house.

You run to get a couple towels from the bathroom as they open the back door.

"Look girls, mommy finally made it home!" You hear John say.

"Hey guys!" You say happily as you wrap towels around each of them.

"Mommy!" Both girls yell at the same time.

As you go to give John a towel, he smiles and gives you a large, wet hug.

"Oh John! You're all muddy!" You laugh.

"Now you are too!" He says planting a small kiss on your head.

"I see you all had fun today." You say.

"Oh we did, mommy!"

You look at John gratefully. "John, you're the perfect husband."

"Now I wouldn't say that, Y/N, but as long as you think so, that's all I need."

You smile and hug him again, not caring that he's still dripping in muddy water.

Bro that was low key cringe.😳
I'll try to do better next time lol
LoVe yOu gUyS😔🥰✌🏼

Your requests are coming don't worry🥰🥰🥰

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