𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚝 (𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙹𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛)

600 9 12

You hear the door shut.

You groan and turn over.

Your boyfriend Mick, had been out all night.

You tried to wait for him to come home but you just eventually gave up.

It was three a.m.

He quietly shuffled into the room, at least minding that you're asleep.

As he crawls into bed, you turn to face him.

"Fuckin' hell! Did I wake you up?" His breath smelled of alcohol and you smelled women's perfume on him.

"No Mick, I've been awake since you left."


"Because I worry about you! But I gave up this time cause I didn't think you were gonna come back."

"There's no need to worry, luv. I was just out with Keith, you know how he is."

"Yeah I do. But I also know how all those women are who hang around Keith." You say with tears forming in your eyes.

"Those are Keith's women, Y/N. He'd have my head if I even looked at one of them."

"Then why do I smell them all over you?"

"I've been in the same room as all of them and Keith for hours."

"Mick, if you were me, would you believe you?"

Mick furrowed his brow. "I— I don't know. I mean it is kind of sketchy."

"Exactly. That's how I feel every time you leave the house!" You cry, holding back tears.

"But—" Mick pondered this. "I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Sorry for what?"

"There was one girl.... sh- she got me really drunk..... but it wasn't just me, Keith was in on it too. I swear I would never do it again! I swear!"

You angrily shoot out of bed and run out of the room.

You're done with Mick's constantly being away and never knowing if he's really being faithful or not.

"Please Y/N! I swear I'd never hurt you! Never on purpose! I—I love you!"

You whip around. "You what?!"

He's never told you he loved you before, and you never had enough nerve to say it to him.

He put his face in his palms. "I-I'm sorry it just slipped o-"

"No!" You stop him quickly. "Say it again."

He looks up at you. "Listen, Y/N, I've loved you from the moment I saw you, I know this sounds cheesy, but you're my first and only love. I don't want to lose you to this, I just couldn't bear it."

"Mick I-..." Your voice falters and you take him into your arms. "I love you too."

He hugs you back like it's the end of the world.

Standing here in his arms, you forget about the world, and why you and Mick were fighting to begin with.

"Mick, please don't ever leave me, alright?"

"Oh, Y/N, I could never dream of leaving you."

Alright guys, here is one for jaggerscitadel

Hope you liked it luv😔✌🏼🥰

Requests are still open🥰🥰

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