𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚈𝚊 (𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚍)

340 10 16

You sigh and put your head in your hands.

Class is really boring and today's lesson wasn't helping your boredom at all.

You start to zone out and think about how much better this class would be if that cute guy in row three would come talk to you.

You shake your head and sigh. That would never happen.

The bell finally rings, signaling the end of class, and also the end of the day.

You rush out of class as fast as possible, not wanting to be held up in that room for any longer.

You meet your friend, Alyx, in the courtyard.

"Hey, Y/N! How was class?"

"Ugh It was shit, as always." You roll your eyes. "But I think Pete, that cute guy I keep telling you about, looked at me today!"

Alyx laughed. "He looked at you? Ten bucks says he was looking at the wall behind you."

You shove her lightly. "Oh shut up! I'm not good with guys and you know it!"

"Yeah I know."

Alyx was great at getting guys.

She always had a following of boys that would fawn over her constantly.

So naturally, she had a new guy every week.

"And before you say anything, I'm still dating Anthony. I actually think I like him!"

"That somewhat seems too good to be true, Alyx." You laugh.

"Oh whatever! If Anthony and I are too good, then Pete is never gonna ask you out!"

"Yeah right! We'll see about that!"

We finally got to the dorm, and you pull out your text book.

"You're actually gonna do that?" Alyx scoffs.

"Yeah! I want to pass the grade, unlike some people!"

That night, you fall asleep with your head in your text book.

When you wake you quickly finish your homework and run out of the dorm without Alyx.

You check your watch and stop in the middle of the hall.

You should've realized 5 minutes ago that it was only 5:30 in the morning.

You sigh and start to turn around, but are blocked by a tall, skinny figure.

You don't notice him until your butt hits the floor.

"Oh fuck!" You yell.

"Shit!! I'm so sorry! I got a little caught up in walking!"

You look up and your heart starts going wild.

It's Pete.

"You're fine, you're fine! My ass isn't worth that much." You giggle.

Pete blushes and helps you up.

"So uh, I might've done that on purpose." He said quietly.

Your heart races. "W-why?"

"I've had my eye on you in biology class."

"M-me? You sure you got the right person?"

"I'm absolutely sure. You're so beautiful, and I've caught you looking at me before and I had to ask you if you were seeing anyone."

'Well truthfully I've never had a boyfriend in my life. But I have been staring at you in biology, and then going to my roommate and ranting about how good-looking you are and how great it would be if you would ask me out." You blush deep red and look down.

"Well, would you?" He asks.

"God yes!"

Pete smiles and brushes the hair from your face. "You're too beautiful for me."

"You're too sweet." You blush again.

He takes your hand and leads you out to the school garden.

"This is where I come when I can't sleep. I love to write here."

"Write what?"

"Songs, music, anything."

"What kind of songs do you write?"

"Well lately, they've all been about you."

"Can you play me one?"

"Yeah!" He said excitedly. "I always keep my spare guitar here, in the bushes."

You laugh. "The bushes?"

"Yeah, my roommate hates it so I only keep one up there."

He sits back down next to you and tunes his guitar. "This one is called 'I Can't Reach You'."

He began to strum the guitar, and after a few bars he began to sing.

His voice was beautiful and smooth, making your heart swell.

The lyrics were really sad, but the thought of him writing this with you in mind brought tears to your eyes.

When he had finished, he noticed you crying and immediately said, "It's terrible isn't it?"

"What?! No! That was gorgeous! These are tears of admiration and love, Pete!"

"You loved it?"

"Yes! Oh god yes! It was amazing!"

"Thanks." He smiles at you. "That one I wrote when I first saw you walk through the door and I knew I had to have you but you seemed so high above me that I convinced myself that you were way too good for me."

"That's so sweet, Pete. I'm So glad you knocked me down." You giggle.

"It's all part of my brilliant plan!" He grins mischievously.

Low key wish this would happen to me😭

This one is for the beautiful S0ULSURVIVOR whom I love very much🥰

Hope you enjoyed it luv!❤️

Peace and love🥰🥰

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