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"Well this is what I meant. He got caught and I didn't and you wanna know what else is funny? I'm gonna always get away with murder. I havent changed, Kam. I just got tired of murdering useless ass people in that town so I'm starting off fresh again. Thanks for taking the blame...well I did frame you after all. See how perfect that went?" I said with a devious grin on my face as I stood beside my car at a gas station.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" Kam yelled in the phone. "I SWEAR IM GONNA KILL YOU!!"


3 Years Later......


"Hmm?" I said as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Were you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, I was." I lied.

"Mhmm..What did I say then?"

I smirked and looked around the restaurant before replying, "Listen, Keta.."

Keta rolled her eyes at me, "I'm listening."

"Look, this place is pretty packed tonight and it's really starting to get a bit distracting so how about we just dip and head back to the hotel."

Keta nodded her head in agreement, "You're right. I guess we can go back."

I smiled at her before whistling the waitress over for the check. After I paid for the meal, Keta and I left and headed back to the hotel to "unwind"...


The minute we got back to the hotel, Keta was already all over me.

"I see somebody is ready to get busy." I teased as Keta began to kiss on my neck.

"Yesssss," she dragged out while giggling. "I dont know what came over me."

"Well... take your clothes off and lay on the bed for me." I whispered in her ear before biting my lip.

Keta giggled as she backed away from me. She slowly began to strip out her clothes as I played some music.

"Setting the mood some more, daddy?" She asked once she heard the sensual music play.

I looked at her and winked before saying, "Something like that."

Once she was completely naked and on the bed, I popped open a bottle of champagne and poured us a glass.

"For you." I said while handing her a glass.

"Thank you." Keta said with a grin on her face.

We clinked our glasses together before taking a good sip of our champagne.

"Ughhh, I wish you could stay with me here in LA." Keta whined as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I know babe but I actually enjoy staying in the Sin City." I stated.

"Of course you do. All your little hoes there." Keta chugged some more of her champagne before sitting the glass on the nightstand.

"Dont do that." I stated a bit annoyed. "You know damn well I dont have any hoes."

"Sureeeee, Sin."

I shook my head and just chugged the rest of my drink before setting the empty glass to the side. I looked back at Keta and smiled.

"I think it's time for us to have some fun on this last night together."

Keta smirked before biting her nail, seductively, "Oh really."

Sin: The Sequel (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now