II. Love Lies

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        Stefan and Alina laid on the bank of the quarry in each others arms

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Stefan and Alina laid on the bank of the quarry in each others arms. 'We could literally be doing anything right now, be anywhere and you chose here?' Alina asked, sitting up slightly, his hand moving from her head to her waist.

'This is where we had our first official date.' Alina smiled at the memory, nodding, looking around. 'These are the good moments, the simple ones, the ones that matter.' Alina's hand started to play with Stefan's hair, a smile on her face. 'These are the moments that keep me from falling apart.'

'I keep you from falling apart?' She grinned, he nodded, Alina leaning in to kiss him. Their lips touched, Stefan holding her closer, she pulled away suddenly starting to choke on water, spitting it up. Stefan sat up, trying to help her spit it all out. But he knew what was happening, he was dying again.

And she knew it too.

Alina started to choke, spitting up water. "H-He's gone, he's gone." Alina panicked, looking around the room as she sat up.

"Relax, relax." She told her. "You can still see him, connect with him, it's just gonna be a lot harder." She explained, "When he wakes up and is in that state of mind, it's easier for you to see him find him. But when e dies again, he gets farther from you, making harder and more painful to find him." She explained.

"I want to find him."

"And you will."


Now that Damon really did know that Stefan wasn't Stefan and was Silas he was looking for Stefan. Damon and Liz stared over to the top of the quarry. "Damon, I know i said I'd help you find your brother, but i can't dredge the entire quarry."

"I'm aware of that." Damon huffed. "I mean, clearly that's why we wanted to dump Silas' body here because it's big and deep and no one would find him. Now say I'm Silas and i want to take over my Doppelganger's life, why wouldn't i dump him in a place that's big and deep where no one would find him?"

"Damon, I already agreed to hold off on telling anyone about the mayor's death until you figure this all out," Last night, Silas had killed Bonnie's father, the Mayor in front of the whole town while he had them under his mind control. "But i can't devote those kinds of resources to finding one person who may or mat not be down there."

"But it's a place to start, and if Stefan's down there, it means he's been drowning over and over again all summer and if Alina's not off somewhere else like he says she is, she's either dead or dying. While Elena and I have been happily playing house. So do i need to further elaborate the source of my urgency?"

Liz sighed, nodding. "I'll get some deputies on it."

"Thank you, Liz." Damon's phone rang, the vampire pulling it out and answering it. "Please tell me you found her." Damon had sent Matt and Jeremy off to find Katherine, who Silas wanted.

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