XIII. Karma's a Bitch

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"Hey, I'm out here, what's... oh." I frown, stopping my walking when i see a car crashed into the side of the house.

"Go look at the trunk." Stefan sighs, i walk over, running my hands over it lightly, blood. I frown, looking up. I walk around, opening the trunk to see Aaron Whitmore. I gasp, stepping back, Stefan walking over and seeing his body as well. "Didn't see that before..."

"You didn't think to open the trunk?" I grumble. He shakes his head as we stare at the body. I close the trunk, sighing. "I'll take care of Damon, you take care of the body?"

"I think that's best." Stefan nods, I nod, starting to walk inside. I see Damon, half on the floor, half on the couch. He groans, rolling over.

"Hey, sorry about the mess." He apologizes shallowly. "I had some company," I look down to all the spilt burobon that made the floor sticky anf glass everywhere. "And things got a little out of hand."

"Clearly." I hum, "Question, Damon. What the hell is going on out in the driveway?" I glare.

"Ah, i let Enzo drive last night." He nods. "He's a little out a practice. Almost ended up in the damn foyer." I hum, nodding. He stares at me for a second before nodding. "Oh, you mean Aaron."

"Yeah," I nod curtly.

"Yeah, well, last night, we hunted him down, and i ripped this throat out." Damon shrugged. "Yeah, i just figured it's time to shove the last branch of the Whitmore family tree into the...wood chipper." He smirked, raising the only not broken bottle to his lips.

"So let my get this straight, you get dumped and you first instinct is to go on a killing spree?" I asked, "And even worse, one i wasn't invited to."

"Okay, you can't even talk. After we broke up, you went on a killing spree." He points out.

I look over to the side before i look over back to him, "We aren't talking about me, we're talking about yo-"

"It was my idea if it makes you feel any better." I turn around, narrowing my eyes slightly. Enzo... "Enzo, remember? We met when-"

"Yeah, i remember. I just don't care." I shrug, looking back over to Damon, "So what? You get a new partner in crime and I'm trash?" I scoff.

"Wait, you're mad i didn't invite you?" Damon asks confused.

"Duh, you have to deal with the morality lecture from your brother." I say pointing out the door. "Or maybe i should yell at you, cause you replaced me!"

"I didn't replace you." She defends. "I made an addition, i mean, i left him for dead, he tried to kill me, we worked things out." He shrugs. "You spend five years with someone in a dungeon, you have a pretty unbreakable bond." He hands the bottle over to Enzo who takes it.

"Say, you and your boyfriend haven't heard from Dr. Wes Maxfield by any chance?" Enzo asked me. I turn to face him, tilting my head. "Bloke'smext on the Augustine hit list, and he's a slippery little devil."

"Is that the plan?" I ask, turning back to Damon. "Kill off Augustine and then go back to your sadisic, psychotic old self?"

"Just like i was when I was with you." He hums. "You seemed to like that guy, i liked that guy. That guy was dumb enough to try and change himself to get a girl." He scoffs, "You were so easy," he huffs, "It was so easy around you." I hum, looking off to the side.

"Well, as long as you're going back down the dark path, how about i walk it with you." He gives me a skeptical look, "It's all or nothing, Damon. Or i can call Stefan in here and you can deal with him."

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