III. A place that's filled with Sin

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Alina rolled around in her sleep, uncomfortable. The image of a dirt road in her mind. She let out a scream, sitting up. "What?" The witch snapped.

"I see him. He's out." Alina said breathlessly. The witch's eyes grew wider.

"This... this is a good thing." She nodded, "Tell him where you want him to go, get in his head, and guide him." Alina closed her eyes, connecting to her boyfriend. She pictured a bar in her mind and then a vision of Stefan biting into some ladies neck made her jump.

"You don't want to do this." Alina whispered.

Stefan heard the voice in his head, pulling away from her. "Run. Run!"

The bar the doppelganger had directed him to wasn't too far from them. "Get in the car." Alina ordered.

"What? Where are we going?" She asked as the brunette grabbed the car keys.

"To get my boyfriend."

Stefan stumbled out of the bar after the blonde, the sun was already coming up and Stefan didn't have his daylight ring.

Alina pulled out of the unmarked road, she sped down the road, suddenly groaning in pain, she felt like she was burning. But it was Stefan who was burning. She pulled up into the parking lot, seeing him. She quickly jumped out, rushing towards him. "Stefan..." She mumbled, grabbing his hands, pulling him up and moving him towards the car.

He quickly stopped burning, looking up, his hand moved up, touching her face. "Alina..."

"I'm here. I'm right here..."


Alina sat there, staring at her unconscious boyfriend, the witch stared at her, rolling her eyes. "Staring at him won't wake him up."

Alina looked up to her, giving her a sarcastic smile. Stefan groaned, Alina looking down, bending down beside him. He opened his eyes, his eyes focusing on Alina. He sat up straight, holding her head in his hands.

"It's you? It's really you..." He whispered.

She reached dup, holding his hands. "It's me. I'm here." She sniffled, tears coming to her eyes. She had him back, she had Stefan back. Stefan's eyes trailed to the woman behind them, Stefan slightly moving back.

"I don't want to hurt you, so get away from me, before i rip your throat out." Stefan growled.

"Well, hello to you, too." She grumbled.

"Stefan, it's okay." Alina told him, "She helped me, and she's going to help you too." She assured. Alina held her hand out, the witch putting the blood bag in her hand, Alina handing it over to Stefan, "Drink this, please." He took it from Alina, instantly draining it.

"A vampire doppelganger who's burdened by a conscience." She commented. Alina turned back to her, slightly glaring at the witch. "Now I've seen everything."

Stefan pulled the bag away from his mouth, staring at her. "You helped her save me from burning to death outside that bar this morning, didn't you?" Stefan asked.

"And we pulled you from the quarry before that." She nodded. "That is after Alina figured out where you were and told the former owner of this cabin to pull your lock box from the water." Stefan nodded slowly, "You thanked him by biting off his head. "

"How do you know I'm a doppelganger." Stefan demanded.

"Here's the good part." Alina mumbled, standing up and leaning against the wall.

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