XIX. Girl on Fire

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Can i ever get a break? Probably not. Stefan and I were awkward, even after he had assured me that he loved me and not Elena, there was still tension, he had lied... or as he liked to put it, withheld the truth from me until a better time, often. So i was stuck with Damon, last night, Damon said he had officially cut ties with Elena and now Stefan was with Elena... studying, much to my dismay.
So, we were keeping ourselves busy with the traveler business.

"Get out of your head." Damon says, looking over to me, taking his eyes off the road.

"Eyes on the road, dummy." I say, looking out the window. He turns onto Tyler's driveway.

"We're here, what road." He chuckles, he parks the car, walking out and walking over, opening he door for me. I give him a sarcastic smile, the two of us walking up to the front door. "Hey, just because you and Stefan are all weird doesn't mean you need to be bitchy." I roll my eyes, Damon going forward and pushing the doors open, "Ding-dong!" We go to walk in, getting stopped by the barrier.

"Matt." I groan.

"Invite us in." Damon demands.

"Alina, come in." Matt smiles, i give Damon a smirk, walking in.

"Ha, funny, see i laughed, now invite me in." Damon huffed.

"We can hear you just fine from there." Matt smirked.

"Oh, I'm so sorry i interrupted whatever weird ritual you two were doing, But i just want to help de-passanger the great citizens of Mystic Falls using your magical traveler knife, so hand it over." Damon smiles, leaning against the door frame.

Matt sucks in a breath, looking over to me, "That's gonna be a problem." My face falls and i look between Jeremy and Matt.

"Five words that make me want to vamp-toss my keys into your chest cavity." Damon hum, tossing his keys around in his hand. I turn, giving him a look. "Oh come on, Gilberts, help me in the fight against my dark side and elaborate, please."

"We can't find it." Jeremy says simply. My face falls even more as i look over to Jeremy.

"As in, you lost it?" I grit out.

"As in it's not here." He specifies.

"You're right, don't invite me in." Damon glares. "Because i will kill both of you."

"Look, Tyler said he hid it in the piano." Jeremy explains.

"And when was the last time you heard from Tyler?" I question. Matt and Jeremy share a look and i let out a shaky breath. I look over to Damon, the both of us sharing looks.

Damon and I had moved back outside, and were on the phone with Enzo. "And what do i owe the pleasure?" Enzo sighed,

"You don't happen to know where we can find a Traveler do you?" Damon asks.

"You know travelers- vagabonds and the like. Haven't seen any, why?" He asks.

"We've got two brain-dead teenager who didn't realize two plus two equals one hijaked hybrid." Damon scoffs, i smack him on the side of the head. "Ow!"

"Don't be a dick." i glare.

"Don't envy you there, Mate." Enzo chuckles.

"Well, what do you say- Field trip?" I smirk. "I mean, there has to be a junk yard we haven't been to yet." I say, looking into the house.

"I think it's a little too dangerous to let tweedledee and tweedledumber out of the house." Damon says, looking down at me. "Last thing we need is another traveler possession in out midst." I nod slowly.

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