XVII. Bring Me to Life

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Stefan screams out and i frown, crossing my arms. "His names Tom Avery, I heard that much," Sloan states with a smirk on her face. Stefan reaches his hand out and i quickly grab it. "Come on, Stefan. I need your help with the link." Sloan groans. "Tell me what you see. Tell me where to find your doppelganger." Stefan groans, making me frown.

"Atlanta Metropolitan Hospital." He grits out. She pulls her hands away from his temples and i kneel down in front of him.

"Good." She hums. "Now your friends can go kill him." Stefan's head slumps forward and i hold it up, looking up at Sloan with a glare. I'm starting to hate Travelers.


I walk next to Stefan who's passed out on the stretcher, listening in as Sloan calls Enzo and Caroline.

       'Atlanta assassination squad. How may we be of service?' Enzo greets as he answers the phone.

"I take it you haven't located the doppelganger yet." Sloan huffs, glancing over to me. I furrow my brows, looking down at the ground.

'You told us to find a nameless paramedic at the scene of a car accident in a city full of freeways, fried green tomatoes and terrible drivers.' Enzo shoots back, 'It's not exactly as easy as it sounds.'

"Which is why I'm calling." She shoots back. "The doppelgängers name is Tom Avery, and I just saw him deliver a patient to Atlanta Metropolitan Hospital."

'She saw him? She did the vision thing again?' Caroline snaps, 'We had a deal.' She snaps into the phone, probably taking out of Enzos hands. 'I find Stefans last living doppelgänger-'

"Tom." Sloan corrects, making me roll my eyes. Now she wants to get technical.

'Tom. I take care of Tom, and in return, you stop using Stefan to psychically doppelbomb him because every time you link the two, you are frying Stefan's brain.' Caroline seethes.

"I don't give a damn about his brain." Sloan scoffs, earning a glare from me. "It's his blood that matters, and until Stefan and Alina are the last doppelgangers pair on earth, their blood is useless to me, so you better believe that i will give Stefan a back-alley lobotomy if you fail to kill Tom Avery." Sloan says, not walking anymore, but i keep listening. I have no idea who this bitch thinks she is, but she's not touching him.

'Well, i don't fail at things, so do it again, and I'll kill you, too.' She snaps. I smirk at her threats and keep my eyes forward.

"You're friends insufferable." Sloan scoffs, walking up next to me. I glance over to her, rolling my eyes.

"Then hands off bitch..."


I sigh, playing on my phone, waiting for Stefan to wake up. I hear a groan and i sit up straighter, he sits up, his eyes landing on me and then sighing in relief.
"Hey," I say softly, sitting up, "How are you feeling?"

"Confused..." He sighs, lookin around at the new location.

"We moved." Sloan says, coming out from between the cars.

"Why?" He frowns, looking around the junkyard.

"They don't call us travelers for our mileage points." She hums, looking around as well.

Stefan frowns, looking around, "I know this place. We're righ outside of Mystic Falls."

Sloan scoffs, nodding, "Believe me, I'd rather be at the beach right now, but this is where we're supposed to meet our fearless leader." She hum.

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