XXII. My Home

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       I sit next to Stefan's body, holding his hand

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I sit next to Stefan's body, holding his hand. My small sobs filling the room. Caroline had found me and Stefan, seeing what had happened and brought us into Whitmore. "Please, wake up." I beg again. "Don't leave me..." I rest my head on the edge of the sofa still crying. I hear footsteps running to us but i don't pay any mind.

"Oh, my god. Stefan!" Elena says shakily, She moves over to me, wrapping her arms around me as i sob into her shoulder, not letting go of Stefan.

"I-I didn't know where to bring him, Caroline said to bring him here." I sniffle, looking over to Stefan. "I didn't... I couldn't leave him outside." I see the look on Damon's face, my heart breaking even more for him. "Bonnie has a plan, right? She-She said that she could bring people back." I sniffle. Everyone stays silent, causing me to panic, "Tell me that she can bring him back!" I sob.

"We'll bring him back." Damon nods. "Come on. Let's get him away from prying eyes." Damon covers Stefan with the red blanket, Caroline holding me in her embrace.

Stefan Salvatore watched from the other side, a small tear running down his face seeing the pain Alina was in. He wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, to wipe her tears, tell her everything was going to be okay, but from what he had learned, it wasn't. Bonnie had lost the only chance of bringing him back.


3rd person

Damon slammed a chair to the ground, the chair breaking, Bonnie jumping slightly "Damon, stop." She sighed. He swung the fire poker, breaking a glass vase.

"You said you had a plan, Bonnie." Damon accused, glaring at the Bennett witch.

"I did. I had a traveler who knew the right spell." She defended.

"And you lost her." Damon sneered.

"I didn't lose her." Bonnie huffed, "She was sucked into oblivion like everyone else on the other side." A pang of fear and pain hit Damon's heart, thinking of his brother being sucked into oblivion.

"Then find another one!" He growled.

"It's more than know the spell. Markos was able to come back because dozens of travelers were willing to sacrifice themselves in order to overwhelm me. I doubt they'll be willing to do that for a bunch of supernatural strangers." She explained.

Damon glared at her, "You know who needs motivation?" He asked, sticking the poker out towards her, "You need motivation because if the other side goes away, everyone we know there, including you, goes away with it."

"I know that. Do you think i want to die?"

"My brother, one of your best friends boyfriend is over there." He spat.

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