XV. Bye Girly

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"You're kidding right?" I frown.

Stefan shakes his head, "We haven't noticed that Katherine's been inhabiting Elena's body for weeks, and that's all you have to say?" He frowns.

"Yeah." I nod.

"And you realize that it was Katherine who kissed me and tried to get me to kill you, not Elena." He say, earlier when he first explained this to me, he has let it slip that Katherine had kissed him when they were coming to get me... bitch.
I hum, nodding my head. "Right. So, your little murder spree was because you thought it was Elena trying to get me back, but you were reacting to Katherine."

"I'm still trying to figure out why the hell you decided to tell a starving, blood-thirsty, vampire-feeding ripper that their nemesis is still walking around alive and well while she's stuck in a cell and can't do anythin about it." I grit out, pulling at the chains.

"Because i have it under control." Stefan smiles.

"Love to hear it." I mumble.


Stefan walks back into the cellar, biting his wrist. I look down when my instincts kick in. "What are you doing?" I frown.

"There you go, drink." He says, handing me the cup. I take it, quickly drinking it.

"I need more." I frown.

"Too bad." Stefan sighs, taking the cup from me.

"That was nothing." I whine.

"That's exactly four ounces. When you were out killing vampires, you said one vampire kept you good for 8 hours. So our friend Caroline did a little bit of math-"

"Caroline?" I frown.

"Relax, she had a calculator. So, 4 ounces three times a day should be just enough to help manage the hunger." I let out a sarcastic laugh, throwing the cup to the ground, the glass shattering. I stand up, sighing.

"You mean namage me." I frown.

"So you don't rip anyone's head off." He nods. "We'll deal with your crisis once we get Elena back."

I scoff, leaning up against the wall. "Yeah, let's all help Elena. She didn't realize we were practically dead for almost four months, but yeah, let's get Elena all figured out right now." I glare. Stefan sighs, looking down to the ground. "I'll deal with my own crisis. Let me call Damon, He'll find Wes and get me the antidote."

"And then what, huh? You go on another binge? Let Elena loose her sister again, let me loose you again? No." He pulls out his phone, dialina a number.

"Who are you calling?"

"Katherines been making a lot of excuses today and i have a feeling she won't be able to say no to me." He states. I glare at him. A phone buzzes and i frown. "It's your phone, Elena's calling."

"Great, I'm a little busy." I say, holding my hands up.

"Answer it." He sighs, i take the phone, answering it.

"What?" I snap.

"Hey, um... how are you?"


"Uh, now that everything's settled, i was hoping that, i don't know, maybe we can talk. Can i come see you?" I look up to Stefan who nods.

"I can't exactly say no, so i guess." I huff.

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