XVI. In the night

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     The door opens, Jeremy walking in with a glass

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The door opens, Jeremy walking in with a glass. I hold my hand out with a sigh, Jeremy teases me, putting it towards me then pulling it away and then setting it on the ground. "You're so funny." I grumble. Jeremy smiles down at me, slowly moving the cup closer to me. "Jer." I growl.

"Sorry," He chuckles, sliding it over to me completely. I take it, downing it quickly. I sigh in relief, letting my head fall back. He smiles at me and i throw the cup against the wall shattering it.

"I hate it here." I groan.

"At least it's me helping you and not Damon." Jeremy chuckles making me hum, I sit back down against the wall, closing my eyes. I think about it for a second, lifting my head, "And no I'm not gonna let Damon come down here." They've been refusing to let me see Damon thinking he'd let me out.

"Yeah, we don't need you on the loose, no offense." Matt.

"None taken, i don't want me on the loose either." I huff.

"Have you told Elena anything?" Matt asked, crossing his arms.

"No i have not. Stefan won't let me see her either." Jeremy and Matt give mea look and i huff, "I'm gonna tell her so keep your damn mouthes shut." Jeremy's phone rings, making me frown. "What? Who is it?"

"Alina's phone." Jeremys smiles, making me glare at him.

'Jer?' Elena questioned into the phone. I furrow my brows, sitting up a little straighter.

"Elena, hey. How you feeling?" Jeremy asks, his demeanor changing. I reach my hand out for the phone, Jeremy taking a step back.

'Confused, but good.' Elena assures. 'I miss you.'

"Same here." He assures.

"Jeremy, i swear to god." I glare, yanking at my chains.

"Someone wants to speak to you." He smirks, moving the phone over to me.

I yanked the phone out of his hand, "Get out." I state, I watch as Jeremy and Matt walk out, setting myself against the wall. "Hey..." I say awkwardly into the phone.

"Hey." She chuckled.

"So, have you had your first meal yet?" I laugh.

"Nope, so far, I'm sympton-free." She beams, "Although Stefan still has me on the 'Alina Diet' just in case."

"Yeah, it sucks huh?" I scoff. "All i crave is carbs. But it's not that bad." Elena laughs, making me smile.

"You know I have to use a payphone to call you?" She laughs again.

"How retro of you." I chuckle. "I'm surprised you remember my phone number."

"Trust me, i am too." She says. "But Katherine put a pass code on my cell, so I can't use it." She huffs.

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