Ch. 12

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"--and then Remus said, 'But it was for science!' And I shot back, 'Eating sharpies is not science, dumbass!'" Roman rolled his eyes. Virgil laughed.

"Doesn't sound like there's ever a dull moment with him around." Virgil chuckled.

"Trust me, it's madness." Roman snorted.

"Roman? Roman Prince?" Roman turned, finding a boy with sunglasses and an iced coffee walking over.

"Uh, hi?" Roman gave an awkward wave. "Do I know you?"

The person snorted, removing their sunglasses. One eye was pale blue while the other was light brown.

"Oh my god, Remy?" Roman asked, standing up. "Remy Dormir? From Riverside Elementary?"

"Hey!" Remy chirped, putting his sunglasses on. He held out his arms for a hug, smiling brightly. "It's been awhile!"

Roman hugged him, grinning. "This is Virgil, my, uh..." Roman hesitated. "Friend?"

"Yeah, sure." Virgil smirked. Virgil held his hand out for a handshake.

Remy shook his hand, looking at him. He gave a low whistle. "Damn, you're fine." He murmured. "Look at that face."

"Remy..." Roman warned.

"Oh shit, is this your boy toy?" Remy smirked, raising a brow. "That's my bad, babe. I won't step onto your turf." He crossed his arms. "So, how's Nightmare doing?"

"He's doing..." Roman searched for the right word. "...better."

"Better? Did something happen?" Remy asked. "Nevermind, it's not really any of my buisness. It's great to see you again, babe!"

"It really is." Roman smiled. "When did you move to Deltona?"

"About a couple of years ago." Remy shrugged. "Life in Sanford got boring, y'know? How about you?"

"At the beginning of the school year, actually. A few weeks ago." Roman grinned.

"Well, hey, I'm really in a rush right now." Remy sipped his coffee. "But I'm throwing this awesome party next Friday, I'd love it if you could come!"

"Is that invitation extended to me?" Virgil asked, raising a hand.

"Of course!" Remy rolled his eyes, like it was obvious. "In fact, Ro-Ro, you should invite all your friends! If they're down for a rager, that is! And make sure Nightmare is there, I miss that little shit!"

"Uh, oka--" Roman cut himself off. Remy was beginning to leave. "Wha--Remy, we don't know your address!"

Remy paused by the door, before bursting into laughter. "Whoops! Silly me! I'm so forgetful today, babes!" He chuckled, pulling out a pen and writing his address down on a napkin.

"Just today?" Virgil rose a brow. Remy rolled his eyes, but didn't grace Virgil with a reply.

"I also wrote down my number. Shoot me a text, babe." Remy smirked. "You better show up, I'll totally be disappointed if you don't!"

And with that, Remy left the building.

"He seems...eccentric." Virgil muttered.

"Remy was my best friend from kindergarten to fourth grade." Roman grinned. "Until he moved to Sanford, that is."

"I'm guessing he was also Remus' best friend?" Virgil rose a brow.

"Well, duh." Roman snorted. "The two of us were practically joined at the hip."

"I would say you're still joined at the hip." Virgil grumbled.

"What? You jealous?" Roman smirked. "Don't worry, maybe if you keep trying, you'll take the spot as my number one." Roman booped his nose.

Virgil flushed, pouting. "Sh-Shut up." He grumbled. Roman snickered.


"I'm home!" Roman called, taking off his shoes as he entered the house.

"Dad went to go get a pizza." Remus mumbled, scrolling through his phone. "He'll be back in like 30 minutes."

"Remus~" Roman purred, sitting down next to him on the couch.

Remus grunted in response.

"You'll never guess who I saw today~" Roman hummed.

"Was it Virgil's giant penis?" Remus asked, not even looking at him.

Roman turned red and slapped his arm. Remus hissed, turning to glare at him.

"What the fuck?!"

"It was Remy!" Roman exclaimed. Remus stared blankly at him. "Remy Dormir? From Riverside?"

Remus thought about it for a long time. "Remy Dormir...Remy Dormir...Oh! You mean Sleep?"

In first grade, their teacher gave them the assignment to create their own play and act it out. Remy, Roman, and Remus teamed up to write a play about the 'God of Sleep' and his two assistants, Dream and Nightmare.

You can guess who played who.

"And what makes it even better..." Roman smirked. "Is that he invited us to a party!"

"What?!" Remus' eyes widened in excitement. "No shit?!"

"He said we could bring anyone we wanted." Roman smirked. "Apparently it's supposed to be awesome."

"Remy always seemed like the type who'd grow up to be a party animal." Remus shrugged. "But I'm so down to go!"

"Go where?" Their father, had just entered the house, pizza box in hand, asked.

"Remy's throwing a party next Friday!" Roman chirped.

"Remy? You mean that kid who told me I looked like a frog?" Their father grumbled, setting the pizza down on the dining table.

"That's the one!" Remus nodded. "Can we go?! Please please please!" Remus begged.

"Ask your mother."

"She's in New York." Roman rose a brow.

"Shit--You're right." Their father thought about it for a second. "Okay, but you have to tell me if you're staying the night. I'll be very upset if you don't."

"But what if we get drunk!" Remus whined.

"You're underage?" Their father rose a brow.

"Doesn't mean our drinks can't get spiked." Remus rolled his eyes.

"Fair enough." He thought about it some more. "Who's going to be your designated driver in case that happens? The one who won't even touch the punch?"

"Logan." They replied in unison.

"If he agrees to come, that is." Roman chirped. "Otherwise, I guess Virgil."

"Have either of them text me if you're staying the night." Their father said.

"Can do, Pop!" Remus chirped, popping open the pizza box. "Hey! We've been scammed! Someone ate one of our slices!"

"Oh, that was me." Their father rose his hand. "It smelled really nice in the car."


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