Ch. 39

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Remus didn't remember going to bed.

He remembered getting home, eating dinner, starting his homework, and that's it. He didn't go to sleep, as far as he was concerned.

And yet, he found himself waking up anyways.

He groaned, feeling a dull ache bounce around in his skull. His body felt heavy, and the smell of something was in the air.

He cracked an eye open, looking around. He was definitely in his room. In fact, he was slumped over the desk he had been doing his homework on. Did he fall asleep? Why was the atmosphere so weird?

And what on earth was that smell? It smelled like...spray paint?

He attempted to lift his head to look around, but immediately cried out in pain.

Okay, so that wasn't happening.

He tried to make his vision less blurry, blinking at the clock on his desk.

5:55 A.M.

Roman would be up in a few minutes, maybe he could help.

Remus tried his hardest to remember what had happened. He was doing his homework and then...?

He had heard something behind him, but then everything goes a little fuzzy after that.

He tried to sit up again, this time barely successful. He was still really dizzy, but the blurriness had begun to melt away.

He turned to look to his left, and his eyes went wide in horror.

He frantically tried to shuffle away, falling out of his chair in the process.

There, on the wall, written in spray paint, were seven words.

I would stop if I were you.

And Remus immediately knew what it meant.

"Oh my god." Remus mumbled to himself in terror.

The killer, the real killer, had been in his room last night.

Remus didn't know what was more terrifying. The fact that they were in his house, or the fact that they didn't kill him.

It was like they were taunting Remus. It was easy, too easy, for them to get into his room and incapacitate him.

God, what did they do to him anyways? It felt like someone had slammed a baseball bat into his head. Well, it actually felt like someone was currently doing that a thousand times over.

He glanced at the time again.

6:01 A.M.

Roman was up by now.

Remus shakily stood up, shaking his head to try and ease the pain.

He needed to get to school as tell Patton.


Roman noticed that Remus' eyes were cloudy when he came downstairs.

It was more like he stumbled down the stairs, actually. He nearly fell down a total of 9 times. Roman had been tempted to help him, but Remus insisted he was fine.

"You've hardly touched your food, Ree. Is something wrong?" Roman pointed out, frowning.

Remus looked at him, blinking. It was silent for a good 2 minutes, when Remus' eyebrows suddenly furrowed. "Wait, what?"

"'re not sending him to school today." Roman told his father immediately.

"Go lay down, Remus. You get the day off." Rian said.

"Wha'? No, 'm fine." Remus waved him off.

"You're clearly not fine." Rian rose a brow.

"I can still go to school!" Remus shook his head, attempting to make himself more aware. "Probably not drive, though."


"Patton!" Remus exclaimed the moment the twins entered the school building. Roman looked bewildered.

"Wha--Ree!" Roman yelled when Remus suddenly took off running.

Remus found Patton at his locker, which wasn't suprising.

"Patton--" He began, placing his hands on the younger boy's shoulders.

"Are you alright?" Patton asked, furrowing his brow.

"They were in my room last night!" Remus hissed, eyes wide with hysteria. "In my room!"

"They?" Patton questioned. "Who's they?"

"The killer!" Remus elaborated. "The killer was in my room last night!"

"What?!" Patton's eyes widened. "D-Did you see who it was?!"

"I think they knocked me out or something, I don't even remember." Remus shook his head. "One thing is abundantly clear, though. They know we're onto them."

"Okay," Patton mumbled. "So, we're not doing this anymore."

"What? No!" Remus' brow furrowed in disbelief. "We have to push harder! Show them we aren't afraid!"

"And get ourselves killed?" Patton asked incredulously.

"You don't need to get involved anymore, Pat. Don't worry." Remus told him. "I think I can take it from here. I really appreciate what you've don--"

"No!" Patton exclaimed. "Remus this is dangerous! You could get killed!"

"I'm willing to take that risk." Remus shrugged.

"How do you think Roman will feel if you end up dead, huh?" Patton frowned. "He'll blame himself. You know he will. Do you really wanna do that to him?"

"Patton, I'm doing this for him. I'm already risking my life, there's no point in stopping now." Remus reasoned.

"But--What about your dad? What about your mom?" Patton asked. "You're just going to leave them like that?"

"I fully intend on walking out of this alive." Remus asserted.

"What about Logan? You're not going to wait for him to wake up?!" Patton yelled, getting heated. "Or what about Remy? Didn't you just reunite with him?"

"Keep your voice down, Pat." Remus hissed. "And I can't wait any longer! They're out there, ready to strike--"

"What about me?!" Patton shouted, eyes welling up with tears. "I like you, okay?! And I don't...I don't know what I'll do if..."

Remus had been stunned into silence, eyes wide as he stared at Patton.

They just stood there, neither of them sure what to say.

A voice rang out over the intercoms.

"Remus Prince to the principal's office, please."


Fun fact, the line "Who the fuck had their period in my hair?" was almost added to this chapter, but there was a change of plans.

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