Ch. 36

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"And...done!" Patton chirped, putting his makeup brush away.

They had to make sure that Remy looked hot. Well, hotter than usual. The first step was to put Remy's sunglasses away, much to his displeasure.

"She'll love the mismatched eyes. She's always preaching about diversity, or whatever." Remus reassured him.

"And they're really pretty! You don't need to be anxious about them!" Patton chirped, booping Remy's nose.

"You think so?" Remy pursed his lips, looking down.

"I bet she'll say something like 'your eyes are hypnotic.'" Remus laughed. "And eyes are like, the windows to the soul. She'll want to see them."

"Okay, Rem," Patton pulled out his phone, and dialed Remy's number. "We'll be on mute the whole time, but we'll hear everything. If you wanna back out, say 'kitty.'"

"How do you naturally say 'kitty' in the middle of a conversation, Patton?" Remus asked, raising a brow.

"Oh, hush." Patton shook his head. "I'm sure he'll figure it out. Remy is very smart."

"Right, yeah, okay." Remy took a deep breath. "This is for Roman, anyways. Let's do this!"


"...Excuse me?"

Susan internally groaned, she was already having a busy day and now someone else wanted her time? Seriously?

"Whatever it is, make it qui--" She cut herself off abruptly.

There was a boy stood there, blushing heavily and twiddling with his fingers. He glanced at her face briefly, before returning his gaze to the floor. He had the prettiest eyes she had ever see.g.en.

He was no Pryder, but he was definitely high on her list of fine men.

"Uh, hey." The boy mumbled awkwardly.

She was frozen, not sure what to say. She awkwardly tried to fix her hair, knowing that it was probably a mess.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asked, giving him her sweetest look. He took a deep breath, pursing his lips.

"I-I've seen you around the school, and I..." He turned redder. "I've been thinking that you're...well, you're really cute."

Susan turned bright red, eyes widening. "Wh-What?"

"I-Is that too foward? Sorry--ugh, this is so embarrassing." He grimaced. "Y'know what? I thought I was prepared but..." He huffed. "Apparently not."

Susan narrowed her eyes at him. "Did Prince Charming put you up to this?"

He blinked at her, stunned. "What?"

"Prince Charming. Roman Prince." She elaborated, suspiciously glaring at him.

"Roman Prince? No." He shook his head.

"Good, that slut is determined to ruin my life, I swear." She scowled. He furrowed his brow.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, first of all," She began. "He stole Pryder from me. I was this close to getting Pryder to fall for me, and he just snatched him away! Also, when I cornered him about the murder of Janus Orm, which he definitely did, he sicked his little puny friend on me!"

The boy frowned. "Oh..."

"So obviously I had to get back at him somehow, so I posted that article." Susan scoffed. "But now I see his disgusting brother giving me the stink eye in the halls. Ugh, whatever."

She shook her head, remembering herself. "Sorry, you didn't need to hear all that."

"It's fine, I'm glad that you feel like you can open up to me." The boy smiled. Susan flushed, eyes widening.

"O-Oh..." Susan mumbled dumbly.

"Listen, Susan." The boy sighed. "I feel really nervous, and I think I need to take a breather." He looked into her eyes, smiling slightly. "Could you meet me behind the school at 5? I should be more prepared by then."

"O-Of course, take all the time you need." She smirked. "And for the record, I think you're really cute too."

He hesitated, before giving her a smile.


"I hated everything about that." Remy grumbled, putting his sunglasses back on.

"You did really good!" Patton chirped, beaming at him.

"You got her! Hook, line, and sinker!" Remus punched him in the arm. "Now, just leave it to us!"

"So I don't need to go behind the school? Sick." Remy nodded. "Well, then. I should head out, babe. Especially since I'm supposed to be at school right now."

Patton's eyes bulged. "Oh my gosh! I didn't even realize!" Patton gasped. "I'm so sorry!"

"Don't apologize, Pat. He knew what he was doing." Remus snorted.

"Can't wait to explain this one to my parents." Remy smirked. "Well, my services seem to no longer be needed."

"Thanks for your help, Rem." Patton said. "We really appreciate it."

"Take care of yourself, okay?" Remus told him.

"Will do, babe." Remy waved him off, pulling out his phone. "Later losers, have fun kidnapping blondie."

He turned and left, not even sparing them a second glance.

"Well, now we just have to wait." Remus said, turning to Patton. "Think you can handle it?"

"Sounds easy enough!" Patton chirped. "Also, Ree,"


"Susan was wrong. You're not disgusting." Patton told him firmly. "You're really nice, and funny, and amazing, and beautiful, and--"

"Uh, thanks." Remus interjected, laughing slightly. "I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. I'm used to people talking about me that way." Remus shrugged. "I wasn't a big fan of how she talked about Roman, though. That's for sure."

"Yeah..." Patton frowned. "I have study hall right now, so I'm just going to hang out here. Care to join me?"

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm supposed to be in class right now." Remus said. Patton's eyes widened.


"I'm joking! I'm joking." Remus laughed. "You're really easy to tease, I couldn't resist."

"So you have study hall right now too?"


"How did I not know this? Let's go find something to do, Ree-Ree." Patton smiled. "There's a bunch of board games in C-4. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we borrowed one."

"Okay, but be prepared to lose." Remus smirked.



Why am I posting at 4 AM? Why don't you mind your own fucking buisness?

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