Ch. 28

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Would y'all find it weird if I suddenly started referring to the twin's dad as Mr. Prince or Rian? If not, then which would you prefer?

I'm just sick of saying "their father." It's annoying.

Roman did end up falling asleep. When he woke up, however, he immediately burst into tears.

Oh god, what was he going to do?

Logan was the smart one. Logan always knew what to do. What would Logan say right now?

You're an idiot.

That sounded about right.

Roman was scared. He had never felt this helpless before in his entire life. He was trapped. If he left Virgil, he would be hunted down like an animal. If he stayed with Virgil, he wasn't sure he would last too long.

Another thing that bothered Roman was the fact that Virgil had tried to access his phone. At first, he had only been thinking about Virgil doing it without his permission. But now? He was questioning why Virgil wanted to go through his phone.

Was he still uncertain about whether or not Roman was cheating? Was he planning to look through Roman's messages? What was it?

Whatever it was, Roman didn't want him to try it again.


"You look terrible." Remus commented simply when Roman came down the stairs the next morning. He didn't even look up from his phone when he made the observation.

Roman grunted in reply, walking over to the fridge and opening it.

"I had expect you to sleep in. After all, you're excused from school today." Their father said, frying some bacon.

"Well, maybe I couldn't sleep." Roman grumbled, pulling out the orange juice jug and pouring himself a glass.

He sat down next to Remus, who looked up from his phone and eyed him warily.

"...have you been crying?" He asked suspiciously.

"What?" Roman asked.

"It's either that or you're really high, and I don't smell weed on you." Remus hummed, looking back at his phone. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not particularly."

"I figured."

Roman took a slow sip of his juice, exhaustion from crying his eyes out last night filling his system. "What time did Virgil go home last night?" He placed the glass onto the table.

"Shortly after you went to bed." Their father answered, putting a piece of bacon on a plate with other various food items on it. He handed it to Remus, who immediately indulged himself.

So Virgil went home after trying and failing to get into Roman's phone, then. He must've been waiting for that opportunity for awhile.

It was at that moment that reality set in.

Oh god, Roman was going to die.

He let out a strangled whimper, putting his head in his hands. He distantly heard the sound of Remus calling his name.

He felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, and looked up into the concerned eyes of his brother.

"What am I going to do, Ree?" Roman whispered in pure terror.  "I don't know what to do." 

"Talk to me, Ro." Remus said, eyebrows furrowing. "What's going on?"

"I'm scared!" Roman sobbed, shaking his head. "I'm going to die, Ree! He's going to kill me!"

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