Ch. 47

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This is longer than normal.

It took Virgil about an hour to sharpen the knife. He quickly shoved it back in his pocket when it was to his satisfaction.

He walked closer to Roman, who instinctively braced himself. When nothing happened, he peeked an eye open.

Virgil had walked passed Roman.

One moment later, the sound of something being torn out of the dirt could be heard.

Virgil appeared, shovel in hand. Roman stared at it, before glancing back up at Virgil.

He chuckled. "Wondering what this is for, huh? It's just in case I lose my nerve and back out of killing myself. I can't just leave you here, can I?"

He threw it on the ground. "Maybe if we're lucky, someone will come along and make us a lovely grave."

He snorted. "Yeah, right. That's expecting too much."

He squatted in front of Roman. "4:27 P.M." He said. "That's the time we first met. Well, met is a generous term. The first time we saw each other."

He looked at his watch. "4:27 A.M. is in fifteen minutes, Princey. I wanna make this symbolic, y'know?" He smirked. "We truly are like Romeo and Juliet, aren't we?"

Roman was certain that Virgil had completely lost it.

Virgil brought a hand up to Roman's cheek, much to the latter's displeasure. "What to do with you for the next fifteen minutes?" He hummed, looking deeply into Roman's emerald eyes.


Virgil had decided to talk for the fifteen minutes. Talk about all sorts of things. Somehow, they all had something to do with Roman.

"-- had so many places I wanted to take you, Princey. It's tragic, really." Virgil sighed. "We'll have all of the next life to do that, though."

He looked at his watch. "Well, it's time."

Virgil pulled out his pocketknife, and flicked it open. "It's been a pleasure, Princey." He pressed it against Roman's neck.

At that moment, Roman's entire life flashed before him. He screwed his eyes shut, preparing himself.

This was it. He was going to die.
A loud crack rung through the air.

The pressure Virgil had been applying disappeared completely. Roman peaked an eye open, and was immediately bewildered.

Virgil stared at him for a moment, before his eyes rolled back and he fell on his side. The knife fell out of his hands, landing in the grass.

There stood Remus, breathing heavily, holding a baseball bat in his hands. "Payback, bitch." He mumbled breathlessly, also seeming shocked about what just happened.

Roman burst into tears, not even caring about his pride. Remus turned to him. "Oh my god, Ro."

He tore the piece of tape off of Roman's mouth. "Remus--Remus--" Roman spluttered out, trembling.

"Did he hurt you?" Remus asked, untying Roman's hands. He gave Roman a full-body scan.

"You're here--How--" Roman put his hands on Remus' arms, checking if he was actually there.

Remus smirked, pulling out his phone. "Tracking app, baby. Knew it was a good idea."

Roman pursed his lips, before pulling Remus into a tight embrace. "Oh my god." He breathed, heart finally calming down.

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