Ch. 15

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"So," Roman began, leaning against the doorway. "You and Patton, huh?"

Remus, who had been looking for something under his desk, banged his head on it.

He quickly crawled out, and glared at Roman.

"Hey! What's that look for?" Roman laughed. "I won't judge! Though, I have to say that I'm surprised. He never really struck me as your type."

"What'd you think my type was?" Remus rose a brow.

"I dunno, someone! Or maybe Lo? Someone who you can express all your thoughts to." Roman shrugged. "It doesn't seem like you could talk to Patton about the things you like."

"I'm not looking for someone to to." Remus furrowed his brow. "I do that with you all the time. I don't need an outlet, because I don't usually keep my thoughts bottled up inside." Remus flushed, running a hand through his hair. "Patton's different. He's not someone I can just...push my thoughts onto."

"So what makes him special to you?" Roman tilted his head, enjoying this conversation.

"He...ugh, this is going to sound corny." Remus' face burned brighter, and he scowled at the floor.

"You know I love corny." Roman smirked.

"He...He makes my bad thoughts go away." Remus mumbled, unconsciously playing with his hands. "It's like he's a wizard."

"Aww!" Roman cooed.

"Shut up!" Remus sneered, face burning even brighter. "D-Does this even matter, anyways?! It's not like we're dating..." Remus grumbled.

"Sounds like my bro-bro's in love~" Roman smirked. "You should go after him, Ree! Based on what I saw yesterday, your feelings aren't one sided at all."

"The day I ask Patton to go out with me, is the day you and Virgil officially begin dating." Remus growled. "Seriously, stop dancing around each other. It's pissing me off."

"Wha--" Roman's eyes widened.

"Neither of you have even confessed yet." Remus rolled his eyes. "Man up, Ro."

"Wha--I--You--" Roman was turning redder by the second. Was it because he was flustered or because he was angry? Roman couldn't tell.

"Boys!" Their father called from downstairs. "Your friend is at the door!"

Remus and Roman exchanged a look, before heading downstairs.

"Oh!" Roman exclaimed when he saw who it was.

"Hey babes!" Remy chirped, giving them a wave.

"Hi, Rem." Roman gave a wave, smiling brightly. "What's up?"

"Well, I feel really bad about you not having fun at the party yesterday..." Remy began, crossing his arms. "So, how about an apology brunch?"

"It's 3 pm." Their father said blandly.

"And I woke up like an hour ago, pops. Also, I have this awful hangover. Just give me this." Remy rolled his eyes. "What do you say?"

"Sure." Roman shrugged.

"If Ro's going, then I'll go." Remus said.

"Love how I have no say in this." Their father commented.

"Great! We're not taking my car, though. Last thing I remember before blacking out is making out with some guy in the back. Don't wanna take my chances. Especially since it smells kinda funny in there."

"Dad, we're taking the car." Remus said, holding his hand out expectantly.

"Be back in time for dinner." Their father sighed, pulling his keys out of his pocket and handing them to Remus.


"So, what's the story behind this anyways?" Remy asked.

"Behind what?" Remus asked, making a left turn.

"You getting your license and Roman not? How did that happen?" Remy rose a brow.

"Despite popular belief, I'm not totally incompetent." Remus grumbled.

"I was well prepared, I knew all the rules." Roman huffed, shaking his head. "But it was the stoplights that got me."

"What?" Remy furrowed his brow.

"You see," Remus snickered. "Ro only focused on the road. He would sometimes forget to look at the stoplights."

"How do you forget to look at the stoplights?!" Remy burst into laughter.

"That's exactly what I said!" Remus exclaimed.

"I would get lost in my head, okay!" Roman squawked. "I thought I was going to ace it, so I didn't pay too much attention!"

"Spoiler alert: he didn't ace it." Remus said.

"I almost hit about 15 people. The instructor called me an airhead." Roman pouted.

"So now Roman's pride has been wounded and he refuses to retake the test." Remus snorted.

"He could've been a little nicer about it!" Roman cried.

"Roman, even Patton's brother knows that when the light turns red, you stop." Remus mumbled.

"Since when have you met Patton's brother?" Roman rose a brow.

"Patton talks about him over text sometimes."

"Since when did you text Patton?" Roman smirked. Remy giggled.

"Wow, I'm suddenly deaf."


"What was that? I'm deaf now. I can't hear you."

"While we're on the subject of romantic interests," Remy began.

"We are not on the subject of--"

"Wow, Remus! You can hear now?"

"Huh? I'm sorry, I'm only deaf when it comes to brothers who don't know how to mind their own business."

"Would either of you happen to have any other attractive friends who are single?" Remy hummed.

"Well, uh, there's Logan?" Roman offered.

"Good luck with that." Remus snorted. "Logan has the romantic sense of a brick."

"Is he the oblivious type, or the serious type?" Remy asked.

"Serious." Roman and Remus replied in unison.

"Ugh, I hate those types. You can have him." Remy grumbled. "Guess I'm just meant to be forever alone!" He sighed dramatically.

"That's tough." Remus shook his head solemnly.

"What about that guy you allegedly fucked yesterday?" Roman offered.

"Please! I don't even remember his name." Remy rolled his eyes. "Ricky? Richard? Ronald? I dunno...something that started with an R."

"Remy fucked Ronald McDonald." Remus mumbled to himself, the other two heard it.

" was a costume party?" Remy furrowed his brow.

"It was not." Roman shook his head.



Is it obvious that this is a filler chapter 👁👁

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