Ch. 48

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^^Was I high wtf??

Roman woke up to Rian bursting into the hospital lobby. The second he met eyes with Roman, relief flooded his entire person and he rushed over to him. Roman stood up, lip trembling.

He pulled Roman into a tight embrace, not saying a word.

"Dad..." Roman murmured, hugging him back.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." Rian growled, pulling away. "How is he?"

"They pulled him into surgery about..." He looked at his phone. "Two hours ago."

"Okay, yeah. Okay." Rian nodded, taking a deep breath. "I called your mother on the way here. She's flying back tomorrow."

Patton rushed in at that moment, eyes wide in terror. "Roman! Is he alright?!" Patton demanded, gripping both of Roman's arms.

"Surgery." Roman sighed heavily, sitting back down. "They said he was still alive when I brought him, so there's that. Just barely, though."

"What happened?" Patton asked.

"That was the exact question I was going to ask."

Everyone turned, spotting Theodore walking in. "Mr. Prince, lovely to see you again."

"Call me Rian, please." He told him.

"I wish I we could be meeting under nicer circumstances, but I'm afraid I'll need to question your boy." Theodore pulled out a notepad. "Roman, right? It sucks that we keep meeting like this."

"Yeah." Roman agreed.

"Tell me what happened." He said.

Roman took a deep breath. He had gone over what he would say dozens of times. "My boyfriend--well, ex-boyfriend now, Virgil, called me. He told me he wanted to tell me something. So I came to his house, and uh."

Roman sighed. "He admitted to...a lot of stuff. Killing Janus, attacking Logan, kidnapping Emile."

"What...?" Patton murmured in horror, bringing a hand to his mouth.

"He said it was all for me. That they wanted to break the two of us up, so he did what was necessary." Roman cleared his throat. "Obviously, I didn't like that very much."

"So what did you do?" Theodore asked, jotting something down.

"I freaked on him. Told him I wanted to break up." Roman mumbled. "Probably wasn't the smartest decision. He knocked me out."

Roman subconsciously touched the back of his head. "Took me to his special place, it's about three hours from here." Roman pursed his lips. "He told me he was going to kill me then himself. He claimed that this world had 'tainted me,' so we should meet again in the next life."

"That sounds very frightening." Theodore nodded. "How did Remus get involved in this?"

"Er, we downloaded these tracking apps on our phones." Roman mumbled, pulling out his phone. "That's how he found me. If he was a second later, I would be..."

Rian placed a hand on Roman's shoulder.

"He knocked Virgil out with his baseball bat. We were about to leave, but Virgil woke up. He took a rock and..." Roman sighed, figuring he knew the rest. "I fought back, he wasn't able to put up much of a defense with his concussion. I was able to get away with Remus."

"Do you know where Virgil is now?" Theodore asked.

"I don't." Roman lied. "He's probably long gone by now."

"Okay," Theodore nodded. "We'll start looking for him immediately. Thanks. If we find him, we'll get back to y--"

"Mr. Berry?"

Everyone turned, spotting Doctor Sanders looking at Theodore in suprise. "What a pleasant surprise, we were just about to call you."

"Call me? Why?" Theodore rose a brow.

"It's about your son, of course. He's woken up."

The notepad fell out of Theodore's hands.


"Took you long enough."

Logan was staring at them, a rather agitated look on his face.

"Oh my god." Roman mumbled, beginning to tear up.

Theodore rushed foward and embraced Logan.

"Ow--Fuck--Father! Stitches!" Logan barked, shoving Theodore away. He scanned the group. "Where's Remus?"

"Surgery, at the moment." Roman muttered.

"I see." Logan nodded, not seeming too alarmed by this information. "Virgil was the cause of that too, I assume?"

"Virgil was the one that attacked you." Theodore asked, though it came out as more of a statement.

"Indeed." Logan hummed, a small scowl overtaking his expression.

"We really missed you, Lo." Patton told him, smiling.

Joy flashed across Logan's expression for a moment, but he quickly composed himself. "Your concern is appreciated; thank you."

"Just say you missed us too, you big softie." Theodore ruffled Logan's hair. Logan scowled.


The surgery was successful.

That was the only thought on Roman's mind as he lay in bed that night. Remus was going to be okay.

For now, he was in a coma. The chances of him waking up were high, though, so Roman wasn't too concerned.

What really worried him was Remus' mental health. He had taken multiple blows to the head, that had to have messed something up in there.

He couldn't bring himself to sleep, feeling too on edge. He was scared that he would sneak in through the window. That he would try and do something to Roman.

But he was dead now. Roman killed him.

Being scared like this was ridiculous. He was sixteen years old, damn it. He should be more mature than this.

He wished Remus were there. If he was, maybe they would roll out their sleeping bags and camp out in the living room. Like they used to do when they were kids.

Roman missed him.


Kind of filler. I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be our last, so be ready for that.

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