Ch. 24

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Roman didn't really have the energy to go to school the next day.

He contemplated feigning sickness, but then Virgil would probably come to his house and that thought was very uncomfortable.

They were currently driving to school. Roman wondered if he could convince Remus and his dad to skip town. The only real solution to this problem would be to move.

Of course, there was always the possibility that Virgil had something to track him down. He hoped not. That would be terrifying.

God, it was a sickening thought. That while Roman was falling in love, Virgil was working behind the scenes to ensure that he wouldn't fall out of it.

Only a few months ago, he could only dream of Virgil being obsessed with him. Now, however? He wished he wasn't.

To think that under that calm, cool exterior, there lived a crazed killer. A man who's passion was so extreme, he would do anything for the person he loved. Even the unthinkable.

Roman briefly wondered if he could use that to his advantage. Set up an intricate plan to throw Virgil in jail. He quickly realized he wasn't smart enough for that.

Logan's the smart one. What would Logan do?

"Ro?" Remus spoke up, breaking Roman out of his thoughts. "You've been awfully quiet since last night. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I've never seen you like this before. You haven't even made a single song request." Remus frowned. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Most things, Roman thought. Some things need to stay a secret in order to keep you safe.

"I'm fine, Ree." Roman looked out the window to avoid looking at Remus' face. "You worry too much."

"Usually I'm saying that to you." Remus grumbled, making a turn.

"I guess that's true." Roman laughed weakly.

"Do you not trust me?"

"I do!" Roman exclaimed. "I'm fine, Remus! Why do you have to be so nosy?!"

"Because I know you, Ro. You're not telling me something." Remus frowned. "Just tell me the truth, Roman."

"The truth is that I'm fine, Remus."

"Fine. Don't tell me. Suffer in silence, then. See if I care." Remus grumbled.

The rest of the ride was silent. Neither of them knowing what to say. Roman figured that Remus must be confused. It had never been hard to talk to each other, what had changed?


"There's my boyfriend!" Virgil chirped as soon as the twins walked into the school.

A wave of terror rolled over Roman.

Virgil walked over and pecked Roman on the cheek. Roman could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't bring himself to move, remaining silent.

"He's been in a weird funk all day." Remus huffed. "Just warning you."

"Is that so?" Virgil rose a brow. "Now, why would that be?" He wrapped his arms around Roman's waist, and Roman became painfully aware of how short he was in comparison to Virgil.

"Don't ask me." Remus scoffed, walking away.

Roman watched him leave, dread pooling in his stomach. He looked back at Virgil, who was staring intensely at him.

"A weird funk, huh?" Virgil mumbled. Roman gulped. "You shouldn't be acting so upset the day after we start dating, Ro. People might get suspicious."

Virgil leaned in to whisper in Roman's ear. "You wouldn't want me to be caught, would you? Of course not, because you love me."

Roman squeezed his eyes shut in fright. The cold grip of fear snaked its hand around his heart. "R-Right."

"Right, what?" Virgil pressed, tightening his hold around Roman.

"I love you." Roman choked out, opening his eyes to look at Virgil. Virgil frowned.

"You don't sound like you love me." Virgil whined. "You do love me, right?"

Roman pursed his lips, before forcing a smile onto his face. "I love you, Vee!" He chirped.

Virgil smiled, apparently satisfied. "I love you too, Ro." Virgil pecked Roman on the lips. He released Roman's waist, but quickly grabbed his hand.

In the corner of his eye, Roman could see Susan glaring at him with those icy blue eyes of hers. Maybe she was still sore about what happened yesterday?

Roman glanced to his right and found Remus looking at him. The second Roman caught sight of him, however, he scoffed and disappeared down the hall.

Patton was taking something out of his locker. He didn't even glance in Roman's direction, making a point to ignore him. Roman thought he saw Patton briefly glance towards him, but he quickly turned the other direction and walked off.

"You busy after school?" Virgil asked, tilting his head.

Now, Roman wasn't sure why what happened next happened. Maybe it was the stress? Maybe it was the fear?

Either way, Roman passed out into Virgil's arms.


It all happened really fast.

One second, Roman was standing there, and the next his eyes were rolling back and he was pitching sideways.

Virgil's eyes widened, and he immediately reached an arm out and caught him. "Ro...?" He murmured in horror, frown deepening.

Remus was barely aware of the cries of alarm from the other people in the hallway. His vision narrowed, only seeing Roman.

"Oh my god." He muttered to himself, rushing over. "Roman?!"

Virgil hooked his other arm around Roman's legs, holding him bridal style. "I'll take him to the nurse." Virgil told him. "You have class, you should go."

"What? But Ro--"

"--will be fine." Virgil said. "Go to class, Remus."

"Is that really alright...?" Remus asked, but Virgil was already walking away.

Remus felt uneasy.


I haven't looked at they storyboard in a hot minute but I have a good idea of which plot point is next.

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